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Olivia looked at Gillian as hot tears welled in her eyes. Gillian didn't have any right to tell Olivia what she could or could not do, especially in regards to Ezra. He was her child, not Gillian's.

"Okay, Gillian... you have no right to start calling the shots. Rafael is going to be Ezra's father, along with Danny. Since the day he was born and even when I was still pregnant with him, Rafael had been his father. So back off." Olivia spat.

Gillian rolled her eyes before walking to the kitchen door and looking out on where Danny was holding Ezra.

"Maybe Ezra should start calling me Mommy." Gillian grinned, and Olivia slammed her hands against the counter before shaking her head.

"Get out." Olivia growled.

"No." Gillian smiled as she moved closer to Olivia.

"I said get out!" Olivia cried. Danny came into the kitchen, his arms still looped around Ezra.

"What's happening?!" He asked with wide eyes. He saw that Olivia was crying now, and Gillian was trying to act all innocent.

"Nothing. She's just freaking out." Gillian sighed.

"Danny, she doesn't want Ezra to have two fathers! And she wants Ezra to call her Mommy!" Olivia sobbed, as she quickly walked over and took her baby from Danny before snuggling him close.

"What? Gillian-"

"He's your kid. Rafael shouldn't even be considered his father. I'm going to be his step-mother, and probably will see him more than Olivia will. So maybe I should just be his mother!" Gillian exclaimed.

Danny looked at his fiancee in disbelief before shaking his head.

"You have been acting out since we left my parents' house. Were you only with me because I was a part of a rich family? Because if that is so, I want my ring back because you aren't the woman I thought you were." Danny spoke quickly, as he stayed next to Olivia. 

"What? Danny, c'mon. She only slept with you to get pregnant!" Gillian laughed bitterly.

"Gillian, I won't have you standing between me and my son. So, either get your shit together, or get the fuck out." Danny huffed.


Danny spent all day with Olivia and Ezra. He calmed her down and apologized for what Gillian said and did. He even told Olivia that he was fine with Ezra having two fathers, because when he wasn't there for Ezra, Rafael was.

"You didn't have to break up with her." Olivia breathed, as she and Danny watched as Ezra finished up his nap. He would be waking up soon to eat, and he would scream if he didn't see his mother almost as soon as his eyes opened.

"I did though, Olivia. She was different from the Gillian I fell in love with. She was so excited when we moved into the pool house, and I think it was because we didn't have to work or pay rent. I honestly think she was only with me because I have money... or because my parents had money." Danny sighed.

"You will find someone that loves you for you." Olivia breathed, before smiling when she saw Ezra open his eyes and a sleepy smile grew on his little lips.

"If I never find someone... at least I'll have my kid. That's better than some woman using me." Danny smiled. He reached down and ran his finger over Ezra's cheek. 

"And he does love you, Danny. He only lets a select few people hold him... so welcome to the club."

Danny left the nursery so Olivia could have privacy while she nursed their son. He had just shut the door, when the front door opened and Rafael walked in.

"Danny?" Rafael spoke surprised. He expected for Danny to be gone by now, but here he was. And Gillian wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Hey, Rafael. Uh, Olivia is starting to feed Ezra so I think I'm going to head out."

"I didn't expect to see you. I thought you would have been gone by now." Rafael admitted softly.

"Yeah, uh... Gillian and I did have plans, but a lot happened and everything got canceled." Danny sighed.

"What happened?" Rafael mused. He was worried that something might have happened between them and Olivia.

"Gillian hurt Olivia. So I broke up with her. I won't be having her attack my son's mother, because I want Ezra in my life more than Gillian." Danny sighed softly.

"Really?" Rafael asked, completely surprised that it seems that Danny had matured.

"Yeah. Uh, I'm going to head out. Tell Olivia that I'll get in contact with her soon so we can set up another day."

"Will do... take care, Danny."


Rafael walked into the nursery after taking a shower and getting changed. Olivia had finished feeding Ezra, and was now just rocking him and talking softly to him.

"So, a lot happened today, huh?" Rafael asked, as he moved over to his girlfriend before leaning down and kissing her softly. Once their lips parted, Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, Gillian was trying to push you from Ezra's life and even wanted Ezra to call her Mommy. So Danny picked Ezra over her." Olivia sighed.

"Hopefully he doesn't regret his choice." Rafael frowned, as he smoothed his son's hair.

"I hope he doesn't either. Because I don't want Ezra to have him in his life for a few years, just for him to decide that he wants Gillian again. And only Gillian."

"We will deal with that when it comes." Rafael spoke, before kissing Olivia's forehead gently.

"So, how was work?" Olivia asked, and Rafael laughed deeply as Olivia stood and they started to move from the room.

"Not nearly as exciting as your day, clearly."


Late that night, Olivia got a call from Danny. He was crying like a baby, and was freaking out. So he came over, and Olivia hesitantly went downstairs to talk to him.

"What's wrong, Danny?" Olivia asked softly, as she tied her robe around her waist. Danny was shaking as he raked his fingers through his hair and eyed Olivia.

"Gillian says that she might be pregnant. S-she wants me to pick between Ezra and her..." Danny whimpered.

Olivia looked at him for a moment before frowning deeply and nodding.

"Danny, figure out if she's pregnant first. If she isn't, then she won't be an option. Okay?"

"I don't want to lose Ezra! I love him so much, and spending today with him was beyond amazing! But, what if I am going to have another kid?! I don't want to miss out on their life either!" Danny sobbed. Olivia moved to him before hugging him tightly.

"Danny, you will figure this out and make it through it. And if you can't be around, Ezra will always be told that you love him and that you tried your hardest. Okay?"

"I'm so scared."

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