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Monday came around and the new parents were more prepared than they thought they'd be. Adam had convinced the judge to let Lucia and Catalina watch Ezra during court, so Olivia and Rafael didn't have to worry about the Mounts somehow getting Ezra and never giving him back.

"None of my good dresses fit well." Olivia sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror and saw where the black fabric of her dress clung to her stomach. At first she thought that she'd feel horrible about gaining weight and losing her body during and after being pregnant, but she was proud of the way her body looked. Her body did an amazing thing and brought Ezra into the world. But right now, she hated that her stomach was still incredibly bloated and swollen, so she felt like she looked like a slob.

"Olivia, Ezra was born a week ago. No one expected you to be stick thin again. You didn't even expect it. You told me that." Rafael spoke softly as he came out of the bathroom and tied his tie.

"Do I look okay?"

"You look beautiful, Liv. You always have and always will." Rafael smiled softly. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her body before pressing a soft kiss to the back of her head.

"Are you sure?"

"Liv, would I lie to you about that?"

"I guess not..." Olivia sighed before turning around and looking at her boyfriend. She was so thankful that he was fighting for Ezra with her. 

"Are you okay? You seem to have a lot going on in your head." Rafael spoke gently.

"Of course I'm thinking about court and this custody battle... but I was kinda thinking also about us."


"Yeah... if there ever might be a time where we get married."

"Marriage?" Rafael asked with wide eyes.

"Sorry... I know that it is crazy and stuff. But I'm just thinking a lot about life lately. Especially since our lives changed a lot since Ezra was born."


They didn't talk anymore before they left the apartment. Olivia wished that she never brought it up at all, because she didn't want Rafael to get scared again and run off.

"Are you two ready for today?" Adam asked, as Olivia and Rafael walked in together. They had agreed to drop the idea of marriage until a later date, so they seemed more comfortable at the moment compared to where they had been that morning.

"As ready as we can be." Olivia sighed softly, as she grabbed onto Rafael's hand and held it tightly.

"With the evidence you gave me, I think we have this in the bag. We won already." Adam smiled, as he looked at the young couple in front of him.

"Let's say we don't win... do you think that the judge will take Ezra from us tonight? And like... we won't be able to see him again?" Olivia asked weakly, as she heard the elevator ding. She turned and saw as Danny, his parents, and his fiancee walked from the elevator and towards the courtroom.

"You are his mother, Olivia. They won't completely remove you from his life. Especially with him being so young. He's a week old, and taking him from you now would ruin that little boy forever. He's going to lose the two most important bonds he has made so far." Adam explained, as he looked at Rafael.

"Thank you again, Adam. This means a lot to us." Rafael breathed.

"Well, you can pay me back by taking lead in my next probono case, okay?"

"Really?" Rafael asked with a large smile on his lips.

"Really. You are a good lawyer. You might even end up as good as me one day."


Court started and everything went okay at first. Olivia and Danny both were interviewed and asked about their jobs and housing situations. Danny didn't have a job, but he kept saying that his parents were willing to pay for Ezra. He also wasn't living on his own yet, technically. He was living in the pool house of his parents' mansion with Gillian.

"I was promoted to manager and my boyfriend and I are sharing my apartment." Olivia spoke, from where she stood. 

"How many hours do you work?" Judge Paulson questioned, as he leaned back in his chair and watched Olivia.

"I work about fifty hours a week. I haven't worked for three weeks, so my hours will be adjusted when I get back. My general manager has told me multiple times that I can cut back my hours and keep my title after my baby was born." Olivia replied.

"Daniel, with you not having a job... do you plan on spending all your time with Ezra?" Judge Paulson spoke, as he eyed Danny. He and Olivia were asked to stand during this little bit of questioning, but would sit in the witness stand for the rest of the questioning.

"We have a nanny... Uh." Danny swallowed hard as he realized what he said. Rafael looked over and saw that Danny's parents were angry that he told Judge Paulson about the nanny they hired.

"A nanny, huh? I know that those can be helpful, but I will not be giving you custody of Ezra Benson if you plan on just giving him to a nanny to raise." Judge Paulson sighed.

"Your honor-" Danny started.

"No, Daniel. Let's take a recess and we can start up again after lunch. Court is dismissed."

Everyone stood as Judge Paulson left and headed to his quarters. Olivia turned to Rafael as soon as the door closed.

"Judge Paulson doesn't sound happy." Olivia whispered as she couldn't help but smile.

"It's great news, baby. He isn't impressed at all." Rafael smiled.

They gathered their items and left the courtroom.

Olivia had to turn back around and grab her purse since she forgot it. When she cracked open the door, she heard a conversation between Danny and his parents. 

"Why the hell would you tell him about the nanny?" Danny's father boomed, as he got into his son's face.

"Dad, I wasn't going to lie to him... and it's true. You two hired one long before Olivia even had Ezra..."

"Keep your mouth shut and our lawyer will speak for you from now on. You will not fuck up our chance for a redo baby."

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