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Rafael spent all Sunday helping Olivia through the most pain she has ever been through. Through her contractions, Rafael held her hand and kept telling her how much he loves her and their little boy.

By early Monday morning, Olivia was getting sick and shaking like crazy. So Rafael decided to take her to the hospital since neither of them knew what was happening.

"Mom?" Rafael asked, as he and Olivia slowly moved into the ER. 

"Olivia called me while you were freaking out and packing her bag. She wanted me here." Lucia smiled as she walked over and wrapped her arm around Olivia's waist as she smiled over at her son.

"Thanks, Mom... we both could use you right now." Rafael breathed, and Lucia smiled and nodded. 

"Rafa, can you go get the paperwork for me? Please?" Olivia whimpered, and Rafael nodded quickly.

"Y-yeah. If you feel like you are going to get sick again, tell my Mom... okay?" Rafael spoke, and Olivia sniffled as she nodded weakly.

Rafael quickly went to the front desk as Olivia and Lucia settled down into a few chairs.

"Uh, my girlfriend is in labor and we have no idea what we are supposed to do." Rafael spoke quickly.

"Okay, how far along is she?" The nurse asked, as she turned around and stood so she could grab paperwork.

"Forty weeks. She's been in labor for almost two days, for the last like two hours she has been getting sick and shaking like crazy."

"Did you call her doctor?"

"Her doctor is out of town. She couldn't get ahold of her."

"Alright, one of our on call doctors will be taking care of her then. Please fill out these and we will take her upstairs to be examined. Has her water broke yet?" 

"I-i don't know." Rafael breathed, as he took the clipboard from her.

"Well, I will find out. I can tell that you are nervous, but women have been having babies for thousands of years. And we will take the best care of her and your child."

"Can I stay with her?" Rafael questioned weakly.

"I need you to fill these out."

"What about my mom? Olivia wants her with us."

"She can go upstairs with her, and we will take you upstairs once those are filled out. So work fast."


Lucia stayed with Olivia and held her hand when she had to be examined by a strange doctor. 

"Olivia, you are nearly eight centimeters dilated." Dr. Richards spoke as she stood and tossed her gloves away.

"W-what? I'm that close?" Olivia whimpered as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Yes. You cut it close. Now, I'm going to get stuff prepared for the delivery. Just stay put and try to relax."

"What if Rafael doesn't make it before I have the baby?" Olivia asked weakly as the doctor left the room.

"He'll be here, honey."

"Lucia, how can I possibly do this? I'm not ready to be a mom... I'm not even sure if I can take care of a baby." Olivia whimpered.

"You are going to be an amazing mother, Olivia. And know that you and Rafael have me and my mother to help you out. We will be over at your apartment all the time to spoil this little boy rotten. Trust me..." Lucia smiled softly, before leaning down and kissing Olivia's forehead gently.

Olivia nodded hesitantly before closing her eyes tightly. All she could think about during the last few contractions was her mother. And how she wished that they had been closer so she could be there with her. That she could be holding her hand and encouraging her, but instead Serena hated her daughter and Olivia hated her mother too.

"Babe?" Rafael asked breathlessly as he slid into the room.

"He'll be here really soon... like really soon." Olivia sniffled as she reached her hand out to her boyfriend.

"So I guess that I'm right on time. I'm not leaving your side no matter what... never again."

"I'm giving you an out." Olivia spoke as she brushed a tear from her flushed cheek.

"What?" Rafael questioned.

"You can leave right now and I won't hate you for that. If you wanna leave, then leave. I don't want to force you into anything."

"I want to be with you and I wanna be this baby's father. I'm not leaving, love."


Less than half an hour later, Olivia had given birth to her adorable little boy. Everyone was shocked when he came out with super blonde hair, but even if he was already favoring Danny a bit, he was still so very loved by Olivia and Rafael.

"I can't believe that he's here." Olivia sniffled as she snuggled her little boy close.

"He's beautiful, Liv... our son is stunning." Rafael breathed as he wiped tears from his cheeks. He didn't expect to cry like a baby when meeting the baby, but he couldn't stop himself. He had a son, even if it isn't biologically his, and he couldn't wait to take care of him and love him.

"I'm going to go call my mom... but I will be back soon." Lucia smiled tearfully.

"Thanks for being here with us... We love you so very much, Lucia." Olivia spoke, as she lifted her eyes from her son for the first time since he had been laid against her chest.

"I love you three so much too... please have that baby named before I get back. Okay? Do it for me." Lucia chuckled.

"Can do." Rafael chuckled.

Lucia left the room as a nurse came and laid a towel over the baby and Olivia.

"What do you wanna name him? Because I kept offering up names, but you didn't say yes to any of them." Rafael spoke as he sank down onto a chair beside Olivia's bedside.

"I liked Ezra."

"Really? You were listening to me?" 

"I was. And I really liked that name. But I want Silas to be his middle name."

"Ezra Silas Benson?"

"Hopefully it will eventually be Barba." Olivia smiled tiredly.

"Or Mount." A voice spoke, and Olivia's eyes went wide as she turned and saw Danny standing in her room's doorway.

"And who are you?" Dr. Richards asked, as she pulled a sheet down over Olivia's legs to give her some privacy.

"I'm the baby's Dad."

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