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Olivia brought Danny up to her apartment and let him sleep on the couch, so then he wasn't alone. She kept an eye on him for a while and only left his side when Ezra woke up and needed to be fed.

"Hey." Rafael smiled tiredly as he woke up to the sound of his girlfriend humming softly to their little boy.

"Hi." Olivia whispered.

"Almost done?" Rafael asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"Just got started... uh, Danny is sleeping on our couch. So don't be freaked out if he gets up before you do." Olivia yawned, without taking her eyes off of her son.

"Why is Danny here? Liv-"

"Gillian told him that she might be pregnant. So he's freaking out because he wants to be around Ezra, but also doesn't want to miss out on the life of the child Gillian might be pregnant with." Olivia sighed. She turned and looked at Rafael as she frowned.

"So Ezra might be losing Danny just hours after he got him, huh?"

"Yup... but he will have you, Rafa. And in the end, you will be the better father to him." Olivia spoke. Rafael pushed himself up before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to Olivia's temple.

"I will be an amazing father to him, Liv. I promise."

"You already are, Rafa."


Danny slept through Olivia and Rafael getting Ezra around the next morning to take him over to Lucia and Catalina's apartment. He didn't even wake up until they got home at around three that afternoon.

"Danny." Olivia breathed, as she tried to shake him awake. It took her a few tries, but eventually Danny shook and sat up quickly.

"W-what's happening?!" He asked with wide eyes.

"You slept for well over twelve hours, Danny. It's time to get up and face what's happening."

"What happened? I-"

"Danny, Gillian might be pregnant. She is making you chose between her and Ezra. That's what happened last night. So I need you to head home and figure everything out." Olivia frowned.

"Oh." Danny breathed, as he swung his legs off the couch before sitting forward.

"Do you ever wear protection?" Olivia asked, as she sank down beside him and gently touched her arm.

"Liv, I'm not even a father to my first kid... how am I ever going to be able to be a father to two kids?"

"Danny, it'll be hard... especially since Gillian doesn't want you to have anything to do with Ez if she is pregnant."

"I'm going to go get her a test." Danny spoke, before he stood and walked towards the door.

"Hey!" Olivia yelled, stopping him in his tracks.

"Yeah?" Danny breathed, as he turned around slowly and looked at Olivia.

"Ezra is in his room with Rafael. You should probably say goodbye... just in case." Olivia mumbled, before swallowing hard. She didn't think that this would be so hard, but it was. She wanted Ezra to have as big of a family as possible, because she wanted him to turn out different from herself. 


Olivia and Rafael didn't hear from Danny for weeks. They focused on work, Ezra, and each other while Danny did whatever he does. It wasn't until Ezra was six months old, did they see him again.

"Smile for Daddy, Ez!" Olivia smiled, as she pushed her son on the baby swing in the park. Rafael stood in front of them with his camera as he tried to capture every moment of their son's life, and he also wanted to make sure he had plenty of pictures of Olivia with their little guy.

"C'mon, Ez. Smile, buddy." Rafael laughed, as he watched his little boy's eyes light up as he let out a loud squeal and waved his arms around.

Through the several sounds of Rafael taking pictures, Olivia's smile faded and tears welled in her eyes. Rafael put his camera down before looking at his girlfriend.

"Liv?" He asked softly, as he moved over to the swing as Olivia stopped pushing it.

"Look." She whispered, before weakly pointing towards where a couple was strolling through the park, hand in hand.

"Is that-"

"Danny and Gillian." Olivia frowned. She felt as her heart started to beat faster in her chest. 

Olivia hated Danny again. She hated that he allowed Gillian to decide what was going to happen. She forced him into decide between his children, and he clearly picked the baby that he was having with her.

"Liv, we should go home. You don't need to stress yourself out over him... he isn't worth it." Rafael spoke softly, as he reached his hand out and rubbed Olivia's back.

"N-no! He picked her over the baby we share. He is missing out on everything happening in Ez's life! Look at him, Rafa! He's the most amazing thing that has ever happened to us!" Olivia cried. She lifted Ezra out of the swing and quickly walked over to where Danny and Gillian had sat down on a bench.

Rafael called after her, but couldn't go after her until he grabbed the diaper bag and his girlfriend's hat that had flown off of her head when she started towards Danny and Gillian.

"I guess I know what you decided now!" Olivia huffed, as she held her baby close and looked at Danny and Gillian. Gillian looked up at Olivia and gave her a big smile. It wasn't a nice smile at all, more of one that made Olivia want to beat the crap out of her. She was happy with what she done.

"Liv! Oh my god, he's gotten so big!" Danny smiled, as he moved to stand and look at his son, but he was held back by Gillian.

"Don't talk to her, Daniel." Gillian warned.

"You are honestly the worst, Gillian. You made him chose between you and Ezra. He was so excited to be this little guy's father, but you ripped that away from him." Olivia spat as tears burned her eyes.

"Liv, I'm sorry... I need to be this baby's father... Ezra has Rafael." Danny frowned, as he kept his eyes glued to the blonde haired baby boy in Olivia's arms.

"I hope you are happy with what you chose, because Ezra isn't going to be waiting around for when you can finally come back to him." Olivia growled, before turning and quickly bumping into Rafael.


"We need to go home right now, Rafa. Before I do something that I will regret."

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