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"What's with all the yelling?" Lucia asked, as she quickly ran up the stairs to check on Olivia and Sophie.

"Somehow Serena got my cell number, and she called Sophie on it! Sophie was talking to her, and she's not supposed to be in contact with Serena!" Olivia yelled, as she started to pace her little sister's room.

"What? How do you know that?" Lucia questioned, as she stayed out of Olivia's way.

"Because I took the phone from Sophie and Serena started swearing at me and calling me names!" Olivia grumbled before raking her fingers through her messy hair.

"Okay, call your lawyer and tell him about what happened. Maybe even call the detective on Serena's case. I'll talk to her and get her to calm down... where is she?" Lucia asked.

"She's in the bathroom. She's probably trying to flood it to show me she's angry. I-i gotta get out of here." Olivia huffed before she turned and quickly walked from the room.

Lucia waited for Olivia to slam the front door before she walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Sophie, it's me, Lucia. Can you unlock the door for me, sweetie?" Lucia cooed softly, and it worked. Sophie unlocked the door and opened it, before flinging herself at her legs.

"I hate my sissy." Sophie mumbled into Lucia's legs.

"Honey, she is just trying to protect you. You aren't supposed to be in contact with your Mama until she's out of jail and gets really good help." Lucia frowned, as she squatted down before hugging the small girl close.

"Olivia is a meanie." Sophie huffed, as she leaned back and looked at Lucia.

"Sophie, your Mama made some really bad choices and Olivia doesn't want you to get hurt by those again. She was upset and just wanted to make sure nothing happened today. So please, don't be angry with your sister. And never, and I mean never, answer the phone without Olivia or Rafael's permission and never steal her phone again. Okay?" Lucia spoke softly.

"I want my Mama back. I don't want Olivia anymore." Sophie sniffled, before stepping away from Lucia and going back to hide in the bathroom.


When Olivia got back, she had gotten Serena's phone privileges suspended and there was a restraining order placed against her so she wasn't allowed to have visits with Sophie, or even write her a letter.

"Mama!" Ezra yelled as soon as his mother came through the front door. Olivia let out a small sigh before squatting down and pulling her son into a tight hug.

"Hi, Ez. Were you a good boy from Grandma?" Olivia asked softly, before kissing her son's messy blonde hair.

"Yeah! I good!" Ezra exclaimed, before leaving a wet kiss on his mother's cheek.

"Thanks for the kiss pumpkin. Now, go play. Especially since you won't be able to play when Daddy and I are getting married." Olivia breathed. She ruffled Ezra's hair before patting his bottom gently and dismissing him.

He ran over to his toy box and grabbed several toys before sitting down and starting to play again. Olivia walked up the stairs and found that Lucia was sitting outside of Sophie's room as she listened to Ezra through the baby monitor.

"Hey... is she okay?" Olivia asked nervously.

"No, she's not. She's really upset and said that she doesn't want you anymore." Lucia frowned.

"Oh geez." Olivia sighed. She hated herself for yelling at her sister, but she didn't want Sophie talking to Serena any longer than she already had. Serena had decided to do bad things, so she shouldn't be rewarded with time with the daughter she had hurt.

"I think that maybe you should call the sitter and have her watch Sophie during the wedding. We don't want her throwing a fit and ruining this amazing day." Lucia breathed.

"It's already ruined. All of my good days end up ruined. Either by Serena or Danny. I guess today was Serena's day."


Rafael was outside the church when his mother and grandmother arrived with the kids. Olivia was already in her dressing room with Chloe, so he didn't find out what happened this morning.

"Hey! Where's Sophie?" Rafael asked, as his mother and grandmother approached with Ezra but not with Sophie.

"She's at home with the sitter." Lucia frowned, as she passed Ezra to her son.

"Is she not feeling good? Because she seemed a little stuffy before I left last night." Rafael frowned, as Ezra started to play with his tie.

"I don't think we should talk about it in front of Ez. So Mama, would you mind taking Ez inside?" Lucia spoke, and Catalina didn't even think of objecting. She took her grandson into her arms before heading into the church as Lucia looped her arm through her son's before leading him towards a bench.

"What's happening, Mom? Because if something really bad is happening, I need to know. Like, is Sophie okay? Olivia? Because I haven't seen my girl since last night and she hasn't texted me either." Rafael breathed, as he eyed his mother. 

Lucia grabbed her son's hand before giving it a tight squeeze.

"So, Serena called Olivia's phone this morning. Sophie had stolen it from Olivia sometime over night, and she answered it and was talking to Serena when Olivia went to check on her this morning. Sophie and Olivia got into a huge fight after Olivia took her phone back and yelled at Serena, and it hasn't gotten better. So Olivia isn't doing great and neither is Soph." Lucia explained.

"Oh no... Fuck." Rafael swore, before getting smacked by his mother.

"We are right outside of our church, Rafa!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's just that this is going to screw everything up. Olivia wants to raise Sophie and take care of her, but not if Sophie is going to fight her on everything. What if she tells someone that we hurt her or don't treat her well so that she gets taken away? That girl won't survive in foster care." Rafael frowned.

"I don't know what will happen, but I do know that you two are strong enough to make it through everything. Now, we need to get inside because you are going to be a married man in an hour."

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