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Olivia quietly turned away from the courtroom as tears welled in her eyes. Hearing Danny's parents talk to him in such a horrible way made Olivia feel bad for him. He had shitty parents, just like she did. She knew that she didn't want Ezra to suffer like she and Danny had, but even if she knew what she wanted to do, she didn't know how to do it.

"Hey, where's your purse?" Rafael asked, as Olivia joined him and Adam on the front stairs.

"I couldn't grab it." She replied softly.

"Oh, I'll go in and talk to them." Adam spoke before turning and walking back inside.

"Why couldn't you grab it?" Rafael questioned as he looked at his girlfriend with worried eyes. She seemed upset all of a sudden, and he wanted to know why.

"I heard Danny and his parents talking..." Olivia frowned.


"About how they wanted Ezra to have a redo baby. They were saying such mean things to him, and I hated to hear that... Rafa... I don't want them to have Ezra. But I don't want Danny to be completely removed from Ezra's life... is that okay?" Olivia asked weakly.

Rafael looked his girlfriend over for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Ezra is your son, Liv. And if you want Danny to be his father-" Rafael would have finished his statement and walked off, but Olivia stopped him.

"I want you to be Ezra's father. I want Danny to also be his father... Our child needs as many loving and caring people around him as possible. I don't want Danny around for me. I want him around for Ezra. Okay?"


"No, Rafael! You are his father! I love you and I want to be with you, you fucking idiot!" Olivia yelled, before quickly moving down the stairs as she raked her fingers through her hair.

Rafael sighed softly before nodding.

"I am a fucking idiot."


Olivia went home and cuddled Ezra as soon as Judge Paulson decided to end court for the day. He had heard enough from the Mounts and wanted time to think.

Olivia was rocking her little boy in his nursery, when Rafael finally got home. He leaned against the frame of door and looked at his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry that I was, and I quote 'a fucking idiot'..." Rafael said with a small smile as he watched Olivia with their son.

"Do you not want to marry me?" Olivia asked, as she kept her eyes focused on Ezra.

"I want to marry you. But bringing it up today just seemed like too much... way too soon." Rafael frowned. He reached up and started to loosen his tie as Olivia finally looked at him.

"I never loved Danny. I will never love him... I just feel really bad for him. And if he can get out on his own and really start to prove that he doesn't just want Ezra because his parents want and need him, then I want to give him a shot. I'd like to let him raise Ezra with us. Maybe get free baby sitting."

"If you really want to get married, I'll look into getting you a ring. We can-"

"I don't want a pity engagement, babe. Propose when you are ready... and after we decide what we are doing in regards to this little one's custody."


The next morning, court was called into session again. And before Judge Paulson could even tell the court what he decided, Adam asked if he and Olivia could talk to him in his chambers.

Once seated, Olivia started to address Judge Paulson.

"Your honor... I overheard Mr. and Mrs. Mount talking to Danny. They were treating him horribly, and I heard that they want Ezra so they can have a redo baby... I know that you can't use what I'm saying, but I was thinking if it was possible for me to tell you what I'd like to do. Then you can decide?"

"Ms. Benson, what were you thinking?" Judge Paulson asked, as he leaned back in his chair and eyed her.

"I want Danny, and Danny only to have some custody of Ezra. I'd like him to be involved, but I don't want his parents involved. They have the money and means to do whatever they want with my child, and I don't want them to do that. I will be more than willing to encourage him to get a job and get out of his parents' house." Olivia spoke softly. 

"Why are you having a change of heart?"

"Because my mother treated me horribly... and I hated to see Danny being treated the same way. And Ezra needs as many loving and caring people around him as possible." 

Judge Paulson gave Olivia a small nod of his head before asking them to meet him back in the courtroom.

Everyone kept their eyes glued to Olivia as she walked back in with Adam, but no one said a thing as they waited quietly for Judge Paulson to come back.

"Everyone, please stay seated. I would like to get this going right now." Judge Paulson announced, as he quickly walked into the courtroom. He sat down and looked over those sitting quietly, before speaking.

"Daniel Mount, how willing would you be to get a job and a place of your own?"

"I-i don't know... I'm going away to college soon."

"Son, if you are willing to get a job and a place of your own, these terms will change. As of right now, Olivia Benson will be keeping complete custody of Ezra Silas Benson. You, Daniel Mount, will be getting visitation at the apartment of Olivia Benson. Do you understand?"

"Your honor, how will the terms change if I get out on my own?" Danny asked with wide eyes.

"Olivia, would you like to tell him?" Judge Paulson asked, and Olivia nodded slowly as her cheeks grew hot. She stood slowly before looking over at Danny.

"I want you to get out from under your parents' thumbs. I'd love for you to be apart of Ezra's life, but I don't want them to be apart of his life... but if you can truly be on your own and start being the man I know you can be, I'd like you to really be apart of Ezra's life. Be his father." Olivia breathed. 

She watched as Danny teared up and nodded slowly.

"Your honor, I'm more than willing to do anything Olivia needs me to do. I want to be Ezra's father... one of them."

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