Episode: 44

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*Avan's POV*
I was so happy that my sister and beautiful girlfriend were getting along. We watched movies together although Mckenzie seemed pretty upset...
*End of POV*

~With Zariana and Matt~

Matt: It's ok I could take the couch.
Ariana: I'm really sorry for you and Liz.
Zac: Yeah man I hope things get better between you both.
Matt: Their not. Goodnight.
Zariana: (Go to the room)
Zac: He looks bad.
Ariana: Like pale. His heart is broken but Liz's is broken too. They love each other.
Zac: Wait so Miley was the one who kissed Matt?
Ariana: Yup.
Zac: Slut...
Ariana: So, hold on. Miley kissed Avan too.
Zac: That's why I said she's a slut.
Ariana: But Liz is judging him wrong because this was all Miley's plan to separate them.
Zac: To get back at them!
Ariana: Exactly L
Zac: So we need to talk to Liz and convince her of how unfair she's treating Matt.
Ariana: And we all know Miley too well. She shouldn't believe that. Wait... where is Miley anyway.
Zac: Eh who cares. We don't need her in our lives now do we? (Holds her close)
Ariana: (Giggles) No...
Zariana: (Kiss)

~With Miley~

Miley: (Walking)
Man1: Hey pretty lady...
Miley: Uggh.
Man2: Why don't we go to my place and have some fun?

~Both man laugh~

Miley: (Walks faster)
Man2: Where are you going?!
Man1: We're not done with you!
Miley: (Tries to run away but the men get her and she starts screaming)

~Suddenly a guy fights the both older men and leaves them on the floor~

Miley: Wow. Those were impressive moves...
???: Thanks. You ok ma'am?
Miley: (Laughs) Please just call me Miley. And you are?
???: James.
Miley: Just James?
James: Why do you want to know my full name?
Miley: Just... to see how my name sounds with yours.
James: (Laughs) Are you trying to flirt with me... you don't know me.
Miley: No... but I know you're cute. And we'll be seeing each other more often.
James: (Smiles) I'm James Franco and you?
Miley: Miley Cyrus.
James: Nice to meet you Miley. You know it's really dangerous walking alone in the middle of the night...
Miley: Walk with me then.
James: How about I take you home. I have a car.
Miley: (Laughs) I like that better.

~Next day with Zariana and Matt~

Matt: (Laying on the couch wakes up rubbing his eyes)
Zac: Morning sunshine!
Ariana: (Laughs) Made you breakfast!
Matt: (Sits up) Huh no thanks I'm fine.
Zac: Matt you need to eat.
Matt: I'm not hungry.
Ariana: But your belly is empty.
Zac: Eat up. You don't want to look more pale than you already are.
Matt: It's ok really. I'm fine. Nothing happens for skipping breakfast one time.
Zac: One time? It's been more than one.
Matt: Look do whatever you need to do. Ariana may I use your restroom to take a shower?
Ariana: Of course. Don't ask, this is your home.
Matt: Thanks. (Stands up and goes to the bathroom)
Ariana: He really doesn't look good.
Zac: Let me see if Avan and Victoria could come over, you have class right?
Ariana: Yeah I already missed too much.

~With Vavan and Liz~

Avan: (On phone) Victoria only has one class. In an hour we'll be there. (Hangs up)
Victoria: What happened?
Chloe: Is everything alright?
Avan: Matt doesn't look good. So after your class is it ok we go check on him?
Victoria: Yeah of course. (Looks at Liz)
Liz: (Looks down)

~In school~

Keke: (Hugs Liz and Victoria) Seemed like forever since I need seen you!
Victoria: (Laughs) Don't be silly. We see each other every day.
Keke: Girl you know what I mean.
Victoria: I know... I miss you tons.
Liz: Me too.
Keke: What's wrong you look worried.
Victoria: It's Matt he's not feeling good.
Keke: Ohh. I'm sorry.
Liz: I just hope nothing bad happens to him.
Victoria: Hey he'll be fine.

*Matt's POV*
I took a shower and sat down on the couch. I couldn't stop thinking of Elizabeth. I love her so much. I start feeling like sick for some reason. Maybe Zac and Ariana are right and I should eat something. I stopped eating ever since Liz stopped talking to me and hated me. I just can't live without her. I feel really bad. I stood up hugging myself. I get my phone about to dial any number that would come out first from my contacts but suddenly I fall hard to the floor and then I see nothing but black.
*End of POV*

I just posted 5 parts cause i'm using my school's library's laptop. I'll post more maybe tomorrow cause i'm coming back to do homework. So there you go! :)

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