Episode 15

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Liz: Bodyguards??

Leon: That's what we do.

Keke: What's wrong with you?!! Why didn't you tell us?!!

Laura: You don't trust us??

Ross: It's not like that.

Laura: Oh really then how is it?!

Avan: Please trust us. 

Angelina: Their telling the truth. We all work for the president.

Ariana: So you're not Victoria's boyfriend?

Angelina: Boyfriend?

Avan: I'll explain later.

Liz: Can we just go to the hospital? All I care now is for Matt to get better.

Avan: Yeah let's go.

Leon: Liz I'll be your bodyguard.

Liz: No! I want to see Matt!!

Leon: Okay then.


~At the hospital~


Liz: How is Matt?!!

Doctor: He's not doing well.

David: What do you mean?!

Doctor: He is not responding well. We need to do an operation on him.

Liz: Oh no.

Avan: Oh Matty.


~Minutes later~


Liz: Can I go see him?

Doctor: Right this way.

Liz: (Follows)

Victoria: I really hope he gets better.

Avan: He will.

Ariana: So if you're really not girlfriend and boyfriend, why did you kiss??

David: You kissed?!!

Avan: We had to! I couldn't say I'm a bodyguard, so I lied about it and had to prove to that Miley!

Ariana: Oh yeah... I hate Miley.

David: So you didn't like the kiss right?

A/V: Uhh.

Avan: Pssh.

Victoria: Why would we... right?

Avan: Yeah.. I mean no! I didn't like it!

Victoria: (Sad) Well I didn't like it either!

Avan: (Sad) See... 

David: Got it.


*Liz's POV*

I went to see Matt. It was sad, he was unconscious. I had tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't bare see him like that. I know I just met him, but I feel like I already know him. He's so sweet and funny. I hold his hand and say, "Matt please wake up, we all need you, I need you. You saved my life and I am greatful. You really proved me that you are a true friend. I know the truth. You're a bodyguard. I forgive you for not telling me the truth, I know it is suppose to be confidential. You know something, I want you to be my bodyguard. I know I can count on you, just for what you did means so much. You can trust me Matt. Don't be afraid to speak." I start crying. "Matt I need you please wake up. You mean so much. I like you. It was love at first sight. So if you feel the same way, give me a sign. Give me a sign that I have a chance with you that there is hope." With that said, I felt my hand being hold to. Matt had tightened my hand! He did listened to me, he likes me too! I now had tears of happiness.

*End of POV*


Liz: Guys Matt is okay!!

Victoria: Really?!!

Liz: Yes!! He tightened my hand!

Ross: Awesome!

Everyone: (Stare at him)

Ross: What?

Avan: So will he wake up doctor?

Doctor: Probably. Come back tomorrow.

Zac: I'll take you home.

Ariana: Thanks.

Angelina: Wait. So ladies who do you choose as your bodyguards?

Liz: Matt!

Leon: What?!! But he's hurt! He can't protect you! 

Liz: Yes he can! He got shot because he saved my life!!

Angelina: Okay. Thomas  the ladies choose.

Bridgit: How can we trust them when they didn't tell us who they really are!

David: We can take you to the president.

Victoria: Please trust them.

Girls: Fine.

Bridgit: I guess you David.

Laura: Ross.

Ariana: Zac.

Keke: Leon.

Angelina: Jogia you don't mind taking care of Liz while Matt recovers?

Avan: I don't mind.

Victoria: I need to get to work.

Avan: Let's go.


~At the mall~


Boy1: Vicky you came!

Victoria: Ofcourse I came! I missed you guys! 

Boy2: Us too!

Girl1: Vicky is he your boyfriend?

Boy2: The creepy guy can't be her boyfriend!

Girl1: Why not?! He's cute!!

Avan: (Smiles)

Girl1: When I grow up,I'm going to marry him!

L/A/V: (Laugh)

Victoria: He's not my boyfriend.

Girl1: Ohh. Then the guy that is waiting for you must be your boyfriend!

Avan: You have a boyfriend??

???: Hey Vicky!!

Avan: (Jealous)



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