Episode 22

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~With Vavan~


Avan: Made breakfast! 

Victoria: Not hungry. 

Avan: Why not? You have to eat something. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Victoria: I'll just eat this apple. (Gets apple)

Avan: Victoria... have a milk shake then. 

Victoria: Strawberry? How do you know I love strawberry milk shake?! Are you stalking me? 

Avan: (Laughs) I love strawberry milk shake! I only knew about the banana waffles because your record says it. 

Victoria: Ohh. I put that on my info? Dang...

Avan: Come and have a glass. 

Victoria: Fine... just because I love strawberry. 

Avan: (Smiles) Me too.


~With Leon and Keke~


Keke: Are you going to be following me around like Avan does with Victoria??

Leon: Pshh no... I'll wait for you outside your class. 

Keke: You cannot be waiting outside just cause. 

Leon: Want me to follow you then? 

Keke: Just sit far from me. 

Leon: FINE. 


~With Angelina~


Angelina: Jane, Lizzie! I missed you so much! (Hugs them)

Jane: Us too mom.

Lizzie: How is the white house? 

Angelina: You'll see for yourself!!

Lizzie: We're going to go see it?!

Angelina: Not only see it... but you'll be living in it!

J/Lizz: (Scream)


~With Elatt, Bridgit, David, and Zariana~


Liz: Is someone going to say something??

Ariana: I'm confused. 

Matt: Liz baby, you know my secret just you and of course our whole bodyguard group along with the president and Jolie. Ross has a secret but he's the only one who can tell it.

Liz: Ohh I'm sorry. That's why it's called a secret. What's your secret David? 

David: My secret. Haha it's my secret. Don't bother asking cause I won't say a word. Word!! (Laughs)

Liz: That's okay... Matt?

David: Matt I don't care how much you love her, but if you spill my secret I will crush you!!

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