Episode 28

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Leon: Mhmm. I think we got two more love birds!

Everyone: (Stare at David and Bridgit kissing)

David: (Pulls away) I'm so sorry! 

Bridgit: You're--sorry--why?

David: You might think I did it because I'm mad and I'm using you--

Bridgit: You're using me?!!!

Matt: Uh oh I hear arguing! 

Leon: Sssh.

David: No that's not what I meant! 

Bridgit: Really? Cause it's exactly what you meant! (Leaves)

David: Bridgit! 

Leon: Dang dude.

Avan: Why did Bridgit run away from you? 

Victoria: You two seemed pretty happy. 

David: Well we're not. I told her that I'm sorry that she probably thinks I'm using her.

Matt: (Gasps) You never tell a girl that you're using her.

David: I didn't say that I was using her!

Leon: But you mentioned it which made her think. 

Victoria: Let's go find her.

Avan: Let's go. 

~With Bridgit~

Bridgit: (Crying in the restroom)

Victoria: Hey you are here.

Bridgit: (Wipes tears) Hey.

Victoria: Listen, you misunderstood David. 

Bridgit: No I didn't! He has a major crush on you so he thought why not just kiss this one!!

Victoria: Wait, David has a crush on me??

Bridgit: Yeah. Oh like you didn't notice! 

Victoria: No... just like I didn't notice how much Avan loves me... Bridgit if you love him don't let him go. Just like I didn't let go off of Avan. And look, he's my boyfriend. 

Bridgit: I'm happy for you. 

Victoria: (Hugs her)

~They get out~

Avan: All settled? 

B/V: Yes!

Avan: Good cause Bridgit there is David...

Victoria: Go. (Smiles and leaves with Avan)

David: Hey.

Bridgit: Umm.

David: I'm really sorry. You have been nice to me, I have done nothing but treat you badly. Please forgive me? (Spreads arms out)

Bridgit: Why not? (Hugs him)

David: If it makes you feel better, you want to hear my story? 

Bridgit: If you want to tell me. 

David: (Smiles) I trust you. 

Bridgit: K. Want to go somewhere else? 

David: What about your class? 

Bridgit: Eh nothing happens if I miss once. 

Or twice. No wait it was actually 4 times. 

David: You missed 4?

Bridgit: Yup! I'm like a big ditcher.

David: You shouldn't miss a lot. 

Bridgit: Limit is 6 so I have 2 left! 

David: (Laughs)

~With Vavan, Zariana, Elatt, and Miley~

Matt: (Whispers) Watch and learn...

Liz: (Smiles)

Miley: (Sits down and feels sticky) What's going on?!!

Vavan: (Holding their laugh)

Elatt: (Holding their laugh)

Ariana: (Giggles)

Zac: Sssh.

Ariana: (Whispers) Sorry. 

Miley: (Stands up and her jeans tear)

Everyone: (Laughs)

Miley: What?!!

Liz: Did you forget something Miley? 

Miley: (Looks at her butt and screams) Who did this?!!! Victoria I know it was you!!!

Victoria: Hey stop blaming me for something I didn't do!

Miley: It was you and your boyfriend! 

Elatt: (Laugh)

Miley: YOU!!

Matt: Hey those are the same pants my grandma wears! 

Liz: Granny panties!!

Everyone: (Cracks up laughing)

Miley: (Screams and runs out)

~With David and Bridgit at the park~

David: Okay so three years ago I lived with my mom. She had married this guy who really wasn't good for her. I knew there was something going on with him. One night I came home from bowling with some friends. I go upstairs and I hear screaming. My mother was pleading to be left alone. My stepfather was hitting her with a belt. I just stood there frozen. He saw me and pushed me to the floor. He then hits me. Just like nothing. (Cries) I still feel the pain on me.  The other night he got mad because my mom came home late and he wanted his dinner. He slaps her and punches her.

Bridgit: (Tearing)

David: He then got the hot pan with oil. (Crying) He threw it right at her--face. (Crying covers his face) The neighbors called the police. They got him and my mom, she had her face burned... she was taken to the hospital and I got crazy. I couldn't control myself. Seeing what I saw got me completely crazy that I ended up in a mental hospital. I then was told that my mom suicide herself. I was insane. I had been in that hospital for two years. I met Ross there. Avan and Zac took us with them and we became bodyguards. 

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