Episode: 63

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*Victoria's POV*

I was so worried cause apparently my boyfriend is lost! So we went to go report to the police but they can't do anything until like 48 hours pass. *wasn't sure if 48 or 72 lol*

I'm so mad uggh. What if something bad happened to him?! Well we could of known already. Bad news go by quickly right? Well I couldn't sleep or eat. We just waited for news.

*End of POV*

~With Miley and James~

James: You can't be threatening me like that.

Miley: I just did. So what do you say?

James: Fine but don't say I helped you.

Miley: Deal. Now take pictures of me and my future husband.

James: Isn't he with someone?

Miley: Just take the pictures!

~With everyone else~

Keke: Why did you let him drink?!

Leon: Hey well how was I suppose to know he was going to disappear?

Laura: So Bridgit and Ariana had to stay home cause the guys are drunk?

Liz: Yup.

~The next morning Avan woke up with a headache and sees Miley with her Slutty pijama~

Avan: (Touching his head) Where am I?

Miley: At my place.

Avan: Why?

Miley: You asked me to take you with me. I saw you by this bar.

Avan: I was drunk. (Sees that he's left with his boxers) What the hell did you do to me?!

Miley: Nothing that you didn't want... honey you made love to me.

Avan: No I didn't!! (Starts dressing up) And I'm out of here.

Miley: Where are you going sweetheart?

Avan: To my house with my girlfriend! And don't ever call me honey or sweetheart. Uggh. (Leaves)

~With everyone~

Victoria: (Wakes up) Is he home?!!

Ross: (Screams)

Laura: Sweety it's just Victoria.

Victoria: I wish this was just a dream. Nightmare I mean.

Liz: Ima go check on Matt. (Leaves)

Leon: So no one called?

Keke: Nope!

Victoria: Ima go look for Avan.

Laura: But that's not good for the baby.

Keke: Yeah don't stress too much.

Victoria: My baby needs a father!

Ross: Chill! Gee first you wake me up like if someone came to rob us.

Victoria: You want to be the next one to disappear?!

Ross: Dang pregnant women are rude.

~With Elatt~

Liz: Hey sleepy head!

Matt: (Touching his head) My head hurts.

Liz: Well you were drunk. So mind explaining that? (Sits next to him)

Matt: I'm sorry baby. We were celebrating for our marriage and Avan's baby.

Liz: Well I forgive you for that one. Just this time.

Matt: Thanks sweety. (About to kiss her)

Liz: (Backs off) Why don't you shower and brush your teeth multiple times? (Chuckles)

Matt: (Laughs) Okay but you owe me a big wet kiss!

Liz: (Laughs) Until you smell like strawberries.

Matt: Aww I won't get the kiss...

Liz: Go on baby. I'm going to be in the living room with everyone else.

Matt: Everyone?

Liz: I'll explain later.

~With Zariana~

Ariana: I'm mad at you. (Crosses arms)

Zac: Baby I'm sorry.

Ariana: Nope. Go shower cause you smell horrible.

Zac: I'm sorry, I love you.

Ariana: Aha sure whatever.

Zac: I'll shower... (Leaves)

~With Davidgit~

Bridgit: You're all cleaned?

David: Yup but my head still hurts.

Bridgit: Well you drank like if the alcohol was going to end!

David: I know I'm sorry. Please forgive me?

Bridgit: Ahh I can't say no to that face.

David: I know my face is irresistible.

Bridgit: (Laughs) You don't smell like alcohol?

David: No...

Bridgit: Good. (Kisses him) Cause I wanted to do that.

David: And I want to do this. (Carries her)

Bridgit: Woow!! (Laughs) I love you.

David: I know. (Kisses her)

~With everyone else~

Matt: Hey guys...

Laura: And girls...

Liz: So Avan is lost.

Matt: What? How??

Victoria: Ask the genius over here...

Leon: Hey no fair...

~Doorbell rings~

Victoria: I'll get it! (Opens) Avan.

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