Episode 26

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Max: Victoria why does he act like that? 

Victoria: (Crying) I don't know. 

Max: I should go then. 

Victoria: No please don't leave me. (Hugs him) 

Max: You like him don't you? 

Victoria: (Breaks hug) What... how do--

Max: Vicky you're my best friend! I know everything about you. I can see how you melt by just looking at him! 

Victoria: Let's go inside. (Opens door) Okay so I do. I love him! I love Avan.

Max: Then what are you waiting for!

Victoria: Waiting for what? 

Max: Go get him!! Don't let him go. Tell him how you feel. 

Victoria: Max! (Hugs him) You're the best friend I ever had! (Leaves)

*Max's POV*

Victoria is my best friend. But I also love her, I couldn't stand having her really close and not being able to kiss her. But she loves Avan and I want her to be happy. It hurts me to see her suffering like that. She should tell him her true feelings. I know he likes her, just seeing how he acts there is no doubt that he's jealous. I hope he makes her happy. 

*End of POV*

*Avan's POV*

I decided to take a walk. I couldn't stand being near Max! She chose him. I had tears on my face. I love her and I just couldn't tell her. 

*End of POV*

Victoria: AVAN!!

Avan: Victoria? 

Victoria: (Runs to him)

Avan: What do you want?? Don't keep your boyfriend waiting!!

Victoria: He's not my boyfriend!!

Avan: Oh so what is he?

Victoria: My best friend! 

Max: Bye Victoria! 

Avan: Here we go again. 

Victoria: What do you have against him?!!

Max's mind: Should I just tell them to kiss??

Avan: Forget it! I'm going to bed! (Leaves)

Victoria: (Crying) 

Max: Vic let him calm down. He's just way out of control. 

Victoria: Can I go with you? 

Avan: Victoria the keys! 

Victoria: (Gives him keys) Here. 

Avan: You coming? 

Victoria: (Cries) I'm going with Max!

Avan: Victoria I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. 

Max: You two need to talk. (Hugs her) Let me know what happens tomorrow k. (Leaves)

Victoria: (Scared) 

~In the apartment~

Victoria: Can you sleep here in the couch? 

Avan: Victoria we need to talk. 

Victoria: About what? We don't talk, we yell.

Avan: (Cries) I'm sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me. 

Victoria: It's okay.

Avan: No it's not!!

Victoria: (Scared)

Avan: No no no. I don't mean to scare you. Please forgive me. I-- I care about you. 

Victoria: It's okay Avan. But why?  What did Max do to you?

Avan: It seems like you hate Mckenzie. 

Victoria: I asked you first! 

Avan: Why did you run away? 

Victoria: Answer me first Avan. 

Avan: I-- I

Victoria: (Wipes tears) I'm going to trade bodyguard.

Avan: What? 

Victoria: You're different. From when I met you. 

Avan: Don't please don't. 

Victoria: Then why are you acting like this?!!


Victoria: (Schoked) You-- did you say--

Avan: (Kisses her)

Victoria: (Kisses back)

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