Episode 39

820 28 18

*Matt's POV*

Was that necessary? Liz kissed my friend Leon, I'm so sad now I have tears I just can't stand seeing her especially with my friend. I walked away and sat down with the others. 

*End of POV*


Leon: (Breaks kiss) Wow aren't you going out with Matt?

Liz: We-- 

Leon: What? 

Liz: Look I don't want to work with him anymore please...

Leon: I'll have to talk to him. 

Liz: I thought you liked me. 

Leon: Well yeah but--

Liz: Want me to ask someone else then? 

Leon: No I'll do it. 


~With everyone else~


LG: Here comes the cookies...

Ross: Whoo hoo!

Everyone except Matt: (Get cookies)

Zac: Dude you okay?

Matt: Huh.

L/Le: (Walk in)

Victoria: What's going on? 

Avan: Yeah you two act like you hate each other. 

Matt: May I go to a room now? I'm very tired. 

Liz: (Looks down)

Miley: I'll go with you babe...

LG: No girls in boys room!

Miley: Okay then. Gee.

Liz: We have to share room with the slut?!

LG: I'm sorry no bad language in my house! 

Miley: Ha ha!

Laura: Grandma you should lock Miley with the dogs outside...

Miley: No no! I'll shut up! 

Laura: (Smiles) Liz you can sleep in my room. 

Liz: Thanks friend. 

Ariana: Me too? 

Keke: And me!

Victoria: Me. I ain't sleeping where rats sleep at.

Miley: There are rats?!

Everyone except Elatt and Sophie: (Laugh)

Miley: That's not funny! 

Keke: You're the rat doofes! *not sure if that's how it's spelled lol*

Miley: B**ch.

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