Episode: 66

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*Avan's POV*

I don't understand Victoria. She's acting strange. She won't speak to me.

Me: Victoria can you please tell me what is going on?

Victoria: Nope.

Liz: Okay since Victoria you're my maid of honor and Avan you're Matt's Groomsman, you're last. Everyone line up and here we go.

Matt holds her hand and kisses her cheek. Wow I wish I could be like that with Victoria but she won't even hold my arm.

Liz: Vicky... you're suppose to hold Avan's arm. We're about to go in.

Victoria: Fine...

She puts her arm around mine and looks away. We started to go in when our names were being called. Everyone cheered when we entered and went to our table. We began to eat then everyone went separate ways, Victoria went with her father.

Chloe: Hey bro what's wrong?

Me: Nothing really.

Max: Hey Avan!!

Me: Max how you doing?!

Max: Amazing! You remember my girlfriend Lorena?

Me: Hi.

Lorena: Hey.

Max: Speaking of girlfriends, where is Victoria?

Me: She's somewhere.

Lorena: You lost your girlfriend?

Me: I didn't lose her...

Max: She just left you alone.

Me: Uhh Max, Lorena, this is my sister Chloe and her friend McKenzie.

Max: Hey there.

Lorena: Nice meeting you.

McKenzie: Same.

Chloe: Yup.

Max: You know how much I love my Lorena?

Max presses his nose against hers. Wow they are a nice couple. Then he kisses her. It's so cute seeing people like that in love. Darn what is wrong with Victoria?! If she doesn't tell me for good then she'll have to tell me anyway! I leave Max, Lorena, Chloe, and McKenzie talking and go get a drink.

*End of POV*

*Victoria's POV*

Uggh look at Avan drinking. I wonder who's he going to sleep with next time. Uggh. I smiled at my dad who was happy that we were celebrating together.

*End of POV*

~With Davidgit~

Sophie: Hey cousin so are you going to dance with me?

David: Ofcourse my beautiful wonderful cousin!

Bridgit: (Smiles)

Sophie: (Laughs) You know you two make a cute couple.

David: (Puts arm around Bridgit) I know.

Bridgit: Thank you.

Sophie: No prob. I'll be back for him.

Bridgit: (Laughs)

~Sophie turns around and bumps into Zac~

Sophie: Sorry.

Zac: Hey it's cool.

Ariana: (Holds his arm)

Sophie: Relax Ariana, I'm not going to steal him from you. I don't like him anymore.

Zariana: You don't??

Sophie: Nope. I thought I told you. Well I'll leave you two alone.

~With Victoria~

Jane: When are you getting married Victoria?

President: (Chokes)

Angelina: Sir are you okay?!

President: I'm fine Jolie.

Jane: Sorry.

Victoria: Hehe.

Lizzie: So when are you?

Jane: Liz...

Victoria: (Turns red)

Leon: (On microphone) Alright everyone, it's time for the bride and groom's dance!

Everyone: (Cheer and clap)

*Liz's POV*

Ahh I was so happy! I was dancing with my husband. I pressed my face against his chest. He hold me close and whispered in my ear, "I love you." I smiled with tears. We continued dancing until the song was over. We then got to dance with everyone else. The dance floor was now opened. Everyone began to dance.

*End of POV*

Lorena: Let's dance babe!

Max: Yes ma'am!

Lorena: (Laughs and kisses him) You girls coming?

Chloe: Sure!

McKenzie: But we don't have a boyfriend!

Chloe: We don't need a boyfriend to dance! Come on! (Grabs her hand)

Avan: Want to dance?

Victoria: No thank you.

Avan: Victoria please.

President: Victoria why don't you dance with Jogia?

Victoria: I rather dance with you dad. (Takes him)

Lizzie: Come let's go sis!

Jane: Okay!

Avan's mind: Okay Victoria you asked for it.

~Avan took Sophie to the dance floor and a slow song played. They danced closed to each other. Victoria was staring at them with jealousy~

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