Episode: 67

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Avan: (Smiles) Thanks Sophie.

Sophie: No prob you're an amazing dancer.

Victoria: Avan may I speak with you privately?

Avan: Sure.

~Vavan go outside~

Avan: What's up?

Victoria: What is the matter with you?!! You're all flirting with Sophie, are you going to sleep with her now?!!

Avan: What are you talking about?! No! Stop being paranoid. You're not actually jealous of Sophie are you?

Victoria: What?? No...

Avan: You don't need to be jealous of anyone. (Holds her close) I only love you. (Kisses her)

Victoria: (Kisses back but then steps back and slaps him) Well I don't!! (With tears runs inside)

Avan: Victoria!!! (About to walk when he felt something on his head)

Ioanna: Not so fast. Remember me Avan? (Pointing gun at him)

Avan: Oh you got to be kidding me!!


Ross: Oooh yeah I love this song!

Laura: Me too let's go dance!

~The music then stops~

Ross: Oh man really?!!

Everyone: (Gasps and screams)

Ioanna: Hello everyone!! (Holding Avan with the gun pointing at him)

Victoria: (With tears) Avan.

Matt: Seriously?!!

Liz: Couldn't you just pick another day?!

Matt: How in the world did she get out of jail?!

Ioanna: Just hand Victoria over and you can continue with your ridiculous party.

President: Ioanna take me. My daughter has nothing to do with your dumb revenge!

Ioanna: Mr. President I don't want you! I want your stupid innocent daughter! Oh wait she's not so innocent after all...

President: Please leave her out of this.

Ioanna: Did you know that your precious daughter is dating her own bodyguard?? (Laughs)

President: (Shocked) What?

Angelina: Oh no.

Matt: If Ioanna doesn't kill Avan then the president will.

Ioanna: It's the truth... right Avan?? They are so in love...

President: (Looks at Victoria) Is that true?

Victoria: (Tearing nods)

President: You bastard!! (About to get him but Leon and David hold him back)

Avan: (With tears) I'm sorry you had to find out this way but I love Victoria and I will never hurt her.

Angelina: He's telling the truth.

President: You knew?!!

Angelina: (Looks down) Yes sir.

President: Why didn't you tell me?! Jolie I trusted you as well as I did with Jogia. Did you touch her?!!

Avan: (Looks down)

President: I'm going to kill you with my own hands!!

Victoria: Dad don't! Please. Either way we're done.

President: What?

Avan: What?!

Elatt: What...

Ross: Huh?

Victoria: I'm breaking up with Avan for good. (Has tears) I was going to ask you to take me far away.

President: But why sweetie?

Avan: Victoria please don't. I love you.

Victoria: (Crying) Avan I don't want to see you ever again.

Ioanna: Aww did something bad happened? (Smirks) I could get rid of him now.

Victoria: No!! Please don't hurt him. That's all I ask for.

Ioanna: Then come with me. Stop making dumb scenes.

Victoria: Okay.

Avan: No Victoria you can't lose our baby!! (Cries)

President: (Angry) Baby?!!

Ioanna: No.. baby? (Laughs) This is so much fun!

Avan: Don't you dare touch her.

Ioanna: Or what pretty boy? I have the weapon...

Eilidh: So do I. Now drop it or I will blow your brains out.

Ioanna: Great. (Lets go off Avan and shoots Victoria)

~Everyone screams as Victoria falls to the floor. Avan runs to her but the president pushes him aside. Eilidh then shoots Ioanna a lot of times until her whole body was filled with blood dropping like a dead corpse. Everyone was frightened and crying. The cops rushed in and the ambulance came to take Victoria~

Avan: I can't lose another one!

President: My daughter is pregnant?!! (Punches him) I trusted you with her!! How could you Jogia?!

Avan: We were going to talk to you I'm sorry sir.

Liz: (Crying) Can we please argue some other time?!! My friend is at the hospital pregnant! She got shot so please let's go!

President: If anything happens to my daug--

Angelina: Sir come on.

~They all leave~

Avan: Please not again. If my baby dies I won't be able to handle it this time.

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