Episode 25

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Zac: (Holds Liz) Someone go get alcohol! 

Ariana: I'll go!

Zac: Ross go with her!

Ross: Yes sir! (Leaves with Ari)

~With the region~

(They are at a storage room)

???: Well. Are you going to give us Victoria or not?!!

Matt: NEVER!! 

Man: (Punches his face and knocks off his glasses)

~With Leon, Avan, and David in the car~

Leon: (Driving) Dang why do they always get the weakest one?

David: (In the back seat) Is that a serious question? 

Avan: Matt is not the weakest. He got hurt, he would of defended himself pretty well. You know he's one of the best.

Leon: Yeah I guess. Where to now?

Avan: You lost them?!!

David: Look blue van!!

~With everyone else~

Zac: (Puts alcohol on Liz's nose)

Liz: (Wakes up)

Ariana: Liz! (Hugs her) 

Liz: (Cries) He's going to be okay?

Victoria: Of course. The guys will rescue him.

~With the region~

Matt: Who are you exactly!! You're a girl? 

~They all have black maks on Matt recognized a female~

Girl: Wow cute and smart. 

Matt: I have a girlfriend! 

Girl: I don't care... 

Matt: Show your face!!

Girl: Only if I get a kiss! 

Matt: NO!!

Girl: Then it's your loss.

~There are firing of bullets and the door is kicked down~

Man: They found us!!

Girl: Let's go!! (They all leave)

Avan: MATT!!

David: Oh Matty...


Leon: (Runs and un ties him) Oh man! (Hugs him) Dude don't ever scare us like that!!

Matt: (Laughs) Gee I didn't know I was that important to you Leon! 

Leon: Of course you are important to me!! You're like my brother, I'll never let anything bad happen to you! 

Matt: Awwe. You're gonna make me cry!

Leon: Hey hey no crying! 

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