Episode: 50

589 16 11

~With Keon~

Leon: That was awkward huh.

Keke: Yeah haha we're the only ones that are not a couple.

Leon: We're good friends right.

Keke: Of course.

Leon: Or...

Keke: What?

Leon: Had you ever tried being with a guy but not as a boyfriend?

Keke: Friends with benefits or just hook ups?

Leon: Yeah friends with benefits.

Keke: I heard they never work.

Leon: Well others take it serious.

Keke: Are you asking me to be your friend but with benefits?

Leon: (Laughs) If you want to.

Keke: As long as we keep being friends.

Leon; And not fall for each other.

Keke: Right.

Leon: But this will be a secret, no one else will know ok.

Keke: Ok then.

~With everyone else~

Max: Hey you guys want to go to the fair tomorrow?

Victoria: Tomorrow? Isn't it next week.

Lorena: It comes tomorrow.

Bridgit: Hey I heard different. Don't look at me...

David: It's ok baby...

Bridgit: (Giggles)

Max: So are you guys up for it?

Everyone except Zac: Yeah!!

Ross: We been ready for it duh... (Laughs)

Max: Awesome, we already got our couples.

Everyone: (Laughs)

~Later with Zariana~

Ariana: So you don't want to go tomorrow?

Zac: I'm sorry Ariana. I don't like fairs, I don't like heights.

Ariana: But why?

Zac: It's NOTHING!!!!

Ariana: (Low) Ok.

Zac: Ari no. I'm sorry. (Hugs her) I didn't mean to yell at you. It's just, hard.

Ariana: You know you can trust me.

Zac: Sit. (Sits down)

Ariana: (Sits next to him)

Zac: Ok so you probably know that everyone has a story. And every story involves a murder.

Ariana: (Gasps)

Zac: We didn't kill anyone I promise. A lot of stuff just happened that brought us here.So four years ago, me and my brother used to always go to the fair together and had a great time. He loved heights and wasn't afraid of anything. So he invited me to go hiking with him. So I went. We climbed very high, we were almost at the top. He was higher than me. I was scared because I thought the rope was going to break. He then yelled at me, "Come up! Don't be scared bro trust me, you could do it." So I climbed more, and just when I took one more step, the rope was falling apart, but it wasn't mine but his. He then went down and I grabbed his arm. I was holding him. The rope kept ripping that the whole weight took my brother. (Cries) He went falling down. He fell and I could see his dead body, his legs were folded. He had broken bones. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move. Some people were around so they called the police. Then they came and helped me down. I saw my brother, he was dead. It was my fault Ari. I could of saved him but I wasn't strong enough.

Ariana: It's not your fault Zac. You tried.

Zac: He's gone. (Crying) I miss him. And well I don't like going to the fair because it reminds me of him. That was his favorite place. I don't like going and being with someone else that it's not him.

Ariana: Zac i'm sorry. (Hugs him) We won't go if you don't want to. I love you and understand you.

Zac: Thanks love. (Kisses her) I know I could trust you.

~Next day~

Zac: Ariana.

Ariana: Yeah?

Zac: If you want you can go to the fair with everyone else.

Ariana: But I don't want to leave you.

Zac: I'll be fine.

Ariana: Ok then. I'll go for a bit.

Zac: Have fun. (Kisses her)

~With Vavan and Elatt~

Matt: Omg why do girls take forever?

Liz: (Wearing this) http://www.polyvore.com/elizabeth_gillies_my_bodyguard/set?id=87712838 To look beautiful for you guys.

Matt: Awwe babe you are beautiful. (Kisses her)

Avan: Get a room.

Matt: Hey we could go right now.

Avan: No no no never mind that.

Elatt: (Laugh)

Victoria: (Wearing this) http://www.polyvore.com/victoria_justice_my_bodyguard/set?id=87711055

Avan: My gorgeous girlfriend.

Victoria: My cute boyfriend.

Everyone: (Laugh)

Liz: Let's go.

~With Raura~

LG: Honey it's a fair not a dance!

Laura: Coming!

Ross: Well she has to look beautiful for her boyfriend right?

LG: (Laughs) Oh boy, you are a wonderful guy.

Ross: Thank you. (Blushes)

Laura: (Wearing this) http://www.polyvore.com/laura_marano_my_bodyguard/set?id=87713877 I'm ready!

Ross: Awwe my pretty girl.

Laura: (Giggles)

~With Keon~

Leon: Come on Keke! We're meeting everyone there!

Keke: (Wearing this) http://www.polyvore.com/keke_palmer_my_bodyguard/set?id=87714388

Leon: (Smiles)

Keke: What.

Leon: (Clears throat) Nothing. Lets go.

~With Davidgit~

David: Awwe who's my cutie cutie pie?!

Bridgit: (Wearing this) http://www.polyvore.com/bridgit_mendler_my_bodyguard/set?id=87713303 Stop...

David: You know you are!

Bridgit: (Giggles) Come on we still have to go pick up Ari.

David: Kk but who loves you?

Bridgit: Hmm.

Davdid: (Puppy eyes)

Bridgit: (Laughs) You do!

David: Yup I do. (Kisses her)

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