Episode 38

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Miley: She's--

Leon: (Pulls her to the kitchen before the people saw them)

Zac: (Pulls Sophie too)

The gang: (Follow)

~At the kitchen~

Miley: Why did you do that?!

Sophie: Yeah! 

Liz: (Angry stares at Matt)

Matt: (Looks down)

Zac: Where are David and Bridgit? 

Miley: Probably doing it. 

Liz: (Gets her by her throat) Will you shut up already?!

Ariana: You guys ssh! 

Zac: (Takes Liz off Miley) We have no time for this. Has anyone seen Avan and Victoria? 

Keke: I think they went out. 

Ross: Then we have to warn them not to come back. 

Sophie: Who are those weirdos? 

Laura: We have no time for this! 

Ross: Sssh.

Leon: Ima text David and Avan. Is there a way out? 

Sophie: The back door? 

Matt: Let's get out of here. 

Sophie: But this is my house. Can we just call the police? 

Miley: And explain what is going on? 

Liz: Shut up. 

Miley: You're just mad because Matt prefers me.

Matt: That's not true! 

Leon: Wooow what happened? 

Zac: Guys no time. Miley and Sophie we'll explain later. 

Liz: Seriously you trust those two? 

Ross: Ooh someone should go get Avan's sister...

Laura: And her friend. 

Matt: I'll go. (Stares at Liz)

Liz: (Looks away)

Matt: (Leaves)

Zac: Just come with us.

Sophie: K babe.

Ariana: Excuse me? 

Sophie: I wasn't talking to you. 

Laura: Let's just go outside. 

~With Davidgit~

David: (Breaks kiss) Bri you're drunk. 

Bridgit: So?

David: (Gets text and reads it) Bri we have to go! (Carries her)

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