Episode: 57

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*Elizabeth's POV*

So Matt took me to go see the dolphins, he's so sweet and romantic. The dolphins jumped up and threw water at us. I kissed their nose and they went back into the water. Two jumped up to make a heart, I was like, "awwe". Matt kissed my head. Then one dolphin came up to me and opened his mouth. I was surprised. The dolphin was holding a square box in his mouth. Matt took it from him then he got on one knee and opened the box. "Elizabeth Egan Gillies, would you marry me? I promise to be loyal and faithful to you. I promise to always be there for you, and never leave you. I promise when you wake up every morning, you'll find me right there by your side. I promise to always love you for the rest of our lives. I also promise to grow old with you, and die with you. We'll always be together forever. Would you also want that my sweet Elizabeth?" I had tears all over my face, I was crying. I hugged him. "Of course I want to marry you Matt. I want to be with you for an eternity. I also promise to love you always. This is the perfect way for us to be together." He smiled and put the ring on my finger, then he kissed my hand and hold me in his arms spinning me around. He put me down and kissed me. The dolphins splashed a whole bunch of water which got us wet but we kept kissing.

*End of POV*

~With Vavan~

Avan: That's all the ice-cream that is left.

Victoria: Avan... I want more.

Avan: You are some already how much do you need?

Victoria: A lot.

Avan: Well I can't leave you alone.

Victoria: Well?

Avan: I got an idea. How about we invite everyone over? And tell each one to bring ice-cream.

Victoria: Yes. I need ice-cream now.

~With Davidgit~

Bridgit: So will the president fire any of you who gets involved with the girl you're protecting?

David: Well that's our job, and we can't get involved in our job other than our job which is to protect.

Bridgit: Ohh. Since Victoria is the president's daughter, Avan will be dead. Vicky's baby won't have a father.

David: That's right! (Phone rings) Yello...

Bridgit: (Chuckles)

David: Aha. Cool we'll be there. Chocolate ice-cream? Why chocolate? Okay okay don't yell at me! Jesus! (Hangs up)

Bridgit: Yello really?

David: I say yello instead of hello.

Bridgit: Why...?

David: It's more cool...

Bridgit: Okay... anyway, who called?

David: Avan. We're all hanging out at Liz's place. And Victoria wants chocolate ice-cream. Wow that baby is going to get fat. He won't get Avan's looks.

Bridgit: (Hits him)

David: Owww.

Bridgit: Don't be mean. You never know, the baby might come out to look exactly like Avan.

David: Maybe but just the face because if Victoria keeps eating like that, the child is going to look like a cute little bubble.

Bridgit: David!

David: Hey joking is my thing...

Bridgit: Well you better not be joking around when we get there!

David: Fine fine. Don't yell at me.

Bridgit: I'm sorry... you know I love you...

David: I know. I'm irresistible.

Bridgit: (Laughs)

~Everyone shows up at Liz's place~

Leon: Why so much ice-cream?

Victoria: Don't judge me...

Ross: Oh right... only Avan could do that.

Avan: Nope. I can't judge her at all... she'll throw the box of ice-cream at me. No joke.

Ross: (Laughs) I want to see that.

Victoria: I could throw it at you if you want.

Ross: Uhh. Nah I'm good.

Bridgit: (Whispers) No jokes.

David: Okay...

Liz: Hey you're all here!

Ross: Sup!

Zac: Hey lovebirds!

Liz: Everyone, I'm engaged! (Shows ring)

Everyone: (Surprised)

Ariana: Awwe!

Keke: Congratulations!

Avan: This we should celebrate! 

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