Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-

As they all came after me my vision turned a bright red.

I think everyone was too shocked and worried to do anything because no one sent help. Then again I didn't need it. In a flash I had two of them down and the other couple were circling me worriedly. They looked afraid but they didn't back down.

I growled baring my canines at them until one of them came. I lunged at him and tackled him to the ground and clenched down on his throat. He shrieked as I did it but it soon went dead. There was three of them left so instead of them coming at me one at a time they all charged.

I knocked the first one down but I didn't kill him. The other two charged at me fast and knocked me down. I got back up in a flash and lunged at one ripping out his throat. As I did it something sharp connected with the back of my leg and I whimpered in pain. I turned a bit slowly pushing the pain to the back of my mind and focusing on the shadowy figure infront of me. There was one on the ground writhing in pain and the other four were dead. I swore there was more but they must have vanished.

The one infront of me hesitated for a split second and I jumped at him quick and had him pinned down and soon in pieces. I went to go finish the crying one off when something snapped.

Not a bone or anything but in my head. I was suddenly hungry and my throat burned like a fire was lit. It felt like a bunch of air was shoved into my head. Like it would explode.

I growled and staggered a bit and fell down.

My body did it's normal reaction by shifting and I clutched my head going on all fours.

Taylor's POV:

The battle infront of all of us was too much. Too fast. We all couldn't react to it. Not even the elders. But by the end all shadowy figures were on the ground dead. Except the one who was knocked down really hard. He was crying and moaning.

And then there was Courtland who was on all fours with her head in her hands. Her body shook and she groaned and screamed.

Finally someone spook.

"What's happening?" Nirvana asked. She stepped out but Courtland's father lightly put a hand on her shoulder. He peered around to make sure everything was alright before sending out guards to collect the bodies and the moaning figure.

"The second stage has come..." The Lord spoke up and said.

"Second stage?" Nirvana asked.

"The first stage is the red vision and the fighting to kill...the second stage is the beginning of blood lust and to see people in pain and the third stage..." He said trailing off.

"Is what?" I asked curiously.

"Is the actual starvation for the kill. For the tearing of muscle and the taste of blood."

"That seems a little vampire-ish." Nick said.

"No she doesn't need it to survive. It's just that when she gets like this she will need it to recover."

"So what now?" Nirvana asked.

"It will pass...shortly. The true pain hasn't even come yet." He said.

"So what do we do?"

"Let her be. She will pass out when it's over. Do not mention a thing. It could upset her." He warned. We all nodded.

After moments of silence the yard was cleaned up but the man was left moaning. Ashton stepped down.

"Get him downstairs. Chained up and guarded." Ashton ordered. His Alpha voice came out when he said it and it almost made me want to go take him downstairs...I didn't though.

The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT) COMPLETEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें