Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

Dimitri's POV:

I felt it. I sat right up straight. I was in the living room with Mitchel, Julia, Taylor, Nick, Austin, Nirvana and the younger boys. I felt my chest heave and growl slightly.

"What's wrong?"Taylor asked curiously.

"She's close. But hurt. Very hurt." I said. We all got up and marched to the door. They weren't far. They were just coming into our realm and past the gates and they were going way over the speed limit.

Courtland's POV:

I was fading in and out of sleep. Everything was hazy and sounded like it was under water. I felt the life drain from my body. Blood was everywhere. All over Tyler's car. We ditched the Hummer...I think.

"T-Tyler..."I breathed as he kept pressure on my wounds.

"yea?" He asked nervously. Tyler was never nervous, ever.

"I got...blood on your car..."I said laughing and then whimpering in pain. He let out a shaky laughed.

"It's okay." I fazed back out and I woke back up when someone lifted me. I screamed in pain as my broken bones scrapped together. My hearing was so acute I could hear it inside my head. I felt bodies around me and a strong presence that was growling very lowly. I could hear him though and I knew who it was.


"D-Dimitri?" I gasped. I could barely see but I could tell he wasn't carrying me and I wanted him right beside me.

I was shifted and whimpered in pain and I felt big familiar arms encircle me. I clutched onto Dimitri for dear life with all the strength I had.

Suddenly his warmth was gone and I was stretched out my bones rubbing together. I screamed as tears poured down my face. I tried to cover the spot that hurt but someone kept my arms down.

"Keep them down Courtland." someone ordered. I recognized it as my father and I listened. Though I struggled because of the pain. A sudden pin prick was in my arm and I felt everything get really hazy again. I slowly stopped struggling and laid my head back before I fell into a deep sleep.

Dimitri's POV:

I stood outside of the infirmary for four hours as Angelica worked. I didn't move a muscle. Courtland's state made me so angry. How dare I let her go and fight a male. I should have went with her and been at her side. At least then she wouldn't be on the verge of death.

Angelica wouldn't let me come in because she said I would get more angry. So I stayed and waited. Multiple people came by asking if I needed anything and I never answered. I only shook my head.

As I starred at the covered windows I felt another presence with me.

"You should have seen her. I heard everything. She took him on and never backed down." I saw Jeremy out of the corner of my eye.

"I should have been there." I said grimly.

"I know but Damien would have done everything in his power to try to kill you first. I shouldn't say this...but he wanted Courtland. He wanted a new super race and he needed her. He was going to kill you first to get her. She couldn't let that happen." He said. I growled a bit about Damien trying to take her.

"But. She killed him. She saved all of the world's lives and proved everyone that she wasn't just some princess who happened to be an omega." He said.

"I know..." I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Courtland has been through a lot. She always pulls through." He said reassuringly. I nodded and he left.

I stood for more hours to come when the blinds finally opened. Her family rushed in and sighed in relief. I stayed outside just watching. She had bandages everywhere. She had on no shirt and large white bandages covered her ribs, bandages were everywhere. Almost covering her whole body. My muscles flexed and I starred at her hard.

As they all crowded her Angelica stepped out.

"I'll tell you first since they are busy." she said quietly. I nodded for her to start.

"Multiple shattered ribs, multiple deep punctures, multiple broken bones, torn ligaments, shattered cheek bone and a severly broken nose." She said.

"Is she healing?"I asked.

"Yes. After I bandaged her up the healing process began, but she is weak. My suggestion is when they are done. I will let you taker her upstairs. Stay beside her, let the bond do it's magic and heal her."

"what?"I asked confused.

"The bond of two mates is strong. You can feel pain and you can heal pain. Courtland knows when you are near and it will speed the healing process. I will tell Ashton." She said walking away I stayed looking at them as she walked to Ashton. His eyes flashed to mine and he nodded.

He ordered everyone out and gently lifted Courtland from the bed. He walked her upstairs laying her down and left the room.

"I have my phone on me if something happens." Angelica said before stepping out and closing the door. I starred at Courtland as she slept all bandaged up.

"Dimitri?" She asked sleepily.I sat next to her and touched the skin that was showing.

"I'm here, C." I said. She smiled and held my hand. I smiled as well and laid down beside her gently pulling her to my chest. she was freezing so I wrapped the blanket around us and she snuggled right in.

"I thought you were going to leave me." I whispered into her matted hair.

"I would never leave you...your my bestest most special friend." She laughed sleepily. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you,Dimi." She said quietly.

"I love you too." I said back.


AN: Short chapter because it's late and I'm tired. Sorry :D

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