Chapter 41

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AN: On the side is how I picture Courtland, then next chapter I will put Dimitri and so on. Other then that I am really trying to finish this story so that I can focous on other ones and then start some new ones because I go back to school Septemeber 3rd so my summer is almost over. So guys have a relaxing and good few weeks left of summer :D


Chapter 41-

Courtland's POV:

We had about three hundred people at the wedding, and that was only royals, all of the other werewolves of lower class stood outside of the castle watching. It was the royal wedding of our realm and the first marriage of my fathers' children.

I walked slowly with my arm looped through my father's as people starred at me happily and adoringly. I smiled and looked towards the end of the aisle. Dimitri looked so handsome in his all black suit and white tie, his hair was the nice brown that looked so silky and he looked so handsome.

His green eyes popped and I smiled, he was so nervous. He smiled at me starring me up and down and luckily I had blush on because even to this day he makes me blush.

"Courtland?' I heard a familiar voice call. I looked over to my brothers and mum who was already crying and waved, my younger brothers waved back but my older ones were too "cool" for that so they smiled.

I finally got to the end where Dimitri stood. I kissed my dad's cheek and let go of his arm while he patted Dimitri's shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile.

"Take care of her, I only got one daughter." My dad said. Dimitri smiled and nodded.

"I promise." He answered. I walked up the steps and stood next to Dimitri and Taylor. I starred at the side of his face, he starred at me too but looked like he was paying attention.

The ceremonial speaker was already speaking and I finally began listening.

"This is not only a bond in marriage but a bond in blood. Sacred blood. A blood so sacred that it is the source of our life and how we live." He began.

" Lord Calcemo is the father of all of us, he guides us in light and darkness, in life and death, through the bright times and dark times. He is our saviour. When he was tainted with the blood of a werewolf, he met his one true love who he could not live without." I knew this story very well. I was always interested in our Lord.

" Lady Judith. She was a common human girl, she was betrothed to another man. She could have said no to Lord Calcelmo and he would have killed himself, thus destroying our exsistence. Instead, Lady Judith embraced the love of our father and she went with him. Giving up her life, her family and everything she owned. Lady Judith is the reason why our exsistence still remains, she is a reminder that we are not the savage beasts we seem to be. We are people with feelings, we are capable to love and reproduce. We are human." I nodded aggreeing with him. he took notice and smiled.

" Lord Calcelmo and Lady Judith began creating more werewolves and had children and began the race of the werewolves. But our population was growing to fast, along with other species. This is when the Lord of each realm; Vampires, mages, fairies, elves, nymph's and demons. Came together and used their power to create this world where we live. At the beginning we worked together and lived together, but then the races began to go out of control. Fairies did not want to listen to vampires, vampires didn't want to listen to elves, elves didn't want to listen to demons and so on. That is when the Lord's divided the realms and we have been at war ever since."

"Lord Calcelmo and Lady Judith are our sign of love. They stuck together to create us." He finished.

"I am speaking this story because standing before our change in destiny. Our first ever Lady, since Lady Judith, has come to us to be our saviour. The Lord has choosen you, to unite, you to stop this war. Courtland Carter, you were born to save us and protect us. Which is why you kill dark angels. You are our protector." I nodded. No pressure, eh?

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