Chapter 25

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Chapter 25-

Courtland's POV:

"Where would he be located..."I wonder aloud as I looked over a map of the realms and the world map.

"We are going to have to go to each realm and look for him."Tyler said pointing to the Vampire,Mage,Fairy and demon realms. The Forbidden city was destroyed completely.

"I already know Damien. He would attack the humans."I murmured looking over the regular world map.

"Well let's go to the realms first and see what we can find." Dimitri said. Mum always let him into the house. I had on my robes but my hood was down.He looked at me and we just smiled at each other for what seemed like hours.

"Alright. When you two are ready we will go."Nick said walking away. I smiled and we followed behind them staying close. Dad trusted us to go by ourselves and Dimitri insisted that he should come incase anything were to happen to me.

He was so over protective but I loved it. We took separate cars to make it easier to escape if anything bad went though. Although I doubt it will we are simply just going to talk to the ruler of each realm.

Tyler took Nick with him while Jeremy and Austin took Mitchell, and obviously Dimitri and I went together. We drove in Dimitri's new M6 BMW convertible in black. It was a graduation gift. We are royal werewolves. We have the best economy in all the realms. No poverty. Everyone had money.

I had only driven in it once and that was for prom night. Other then that this is only the second time I drove in it. The seats were leather and so comfy.

"You love the new baby?" He asked smirking at me.

"Excuse me? "Baby"?" I asked.

"Don't worry you're up there with her." He said teasing me and placing a hand on my thigh.

"You're an ass." I said shaking my head. He gave my thigh a squeeze as we headed over to the next realm.

It was difficult to explain how to go through realms. It was weird. There was basically a big huge portal on the road. The portal flashed with purple and red and basically you drive or walk through it and you are in the next realm. Each realm had several portals leading to different realms and right now we were going to the Mage realm.

Mages were known for their temper. They got angrily easy so this should be fun.

Instead of our more forest nature the mages had statues. They were highly religious and they worshipped their God very highly. Churches were every where along with guards in case the mages went rogue. If that happened then the guards would be forced to slay them.

The sky was a purple mist kind of other then our natural blue sky. We were stopped by a guard at the gates considering we were the first vehicle. Austin, Jeremy and Mitchell were behind us then Tyler and Nick were last.

"My name is Courtland Carter. Princess of the Werewolf realm. I must speak with your king." I said with authority in my voice.

"Courtland? The dark angel slayer? Welcome to our realm please go in to see our magister." He said over joyed. I smiled and the gates opened and we pulled in. Guards lined the huge palace. It was about the same size as ours.

We parked in front of the palace and we were greeted by guards who had their swords drawn. I know we live in a medieval age still.

"I have an audience with the king." I said forcefully with everyone behind me.

"What is it that you seek wolf?" One guard spat.

"I am Courtland Carter. Future lady of the werewolves. I will not be talked to like that. I am here to discuss the dark angels. The ones only I can see." I said with the same force. He nodded and opened the door for me and I walked in. The palace had large coloumns with either fire, ice, water, lightning, leaves or a mist wrapping around it.

"Fire, ice, lightning, water, nature, spirit. The main elements and a few more." Jeremy said amazed. Guards starred us up and down and I glared back. You needed confidence to do this and I wasn't about to let mages horde Damien and get away with it. Well that is if they even have them. I will find out.

I walked into the long main hall and at the end the magister sat on his throne with his wife behind him and his staff in hand.

"Courtland,Tyler,Austin,Jeremy,Nick and Mitchell Carter. Oh and also Dimitri Kolev." He greeted us.

"Magister." I nodded.

"The guards tell me you wish to discuss the dark angels? I know little. They attacked us but we can't see them unless they show themselves. Other then that we are at a disadvantage." He said troubled.

"That is fine, magister. I destroyed the forbidden city but their leader escaped. He is making more dark angels and I need to find him to make him stop." I said.

"He hasn't been here." He said quickly.

"Where is he?" I said aggressively, starring him down. He looked shocked.

"Look someone by the name of Damien-no last name- came through our realm. He had a woman with him. He was going to the fairy realm and before he left...a couple of rebel mages went missing." He said. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I did not know it was him. I am terribly sorry." He said.

"It is alright magister.thank you for your information. Stay safe." I said walking out.

"Looks like we are going to get close to the fairy dust and the woodland nymphs." Nick sighed. Fairy dust was harmful.

"We are finding Damien. No matter what." I growled getting into Dimitri's car.

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