Chapter 43

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AN; AHHH look at my profile pic...It's me! I'm so ugly lol

Chapter 43-

Courtland's POV:

"Courtland?" Someone called gently shaking me awake. I opened my eyes to Dimitri's chest and he smiled down at me.

"We are here. We have to get into the car." He said. I nodded not really understanding and I stood up. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the plane and into a black Lincoln escort car. I laid back into the seat and yawned, the sun pouring into the window. It was different, it was hot.

I opened my eyes to crystal blue water that I could see through, green tall trees that looked weird, and so much trees and forestry. Oh it was werewolf paradise. We had nothing comparred to this in the werewolf realm.

"Where are we?" I asked enthused practically leaning out the car window.

"Hawaii." He answered. Hawaii? It was beautiful. When we came to the human world and went to England, it was dark and rainy, out was amazing. Sunny, hot yet cool, the smell of the ocean,the sound of it, the smell of the fresh forest. It was amazing. The wind blew my long hair back and I closed my eyes and smiled.

"It's beautiful." I said happily.

"Two weeks all to ourselves." He said rubbing my thigh lightly. I smiled and placed my hand over his.

We drove to a quiet sectioned off area by the trees. The driver came to a stop and Dimitri paid him and grabbed our two suitcases while I inhaled the scent of fresh forest and ocean air.

I could sit out here all day. He walked past me and stopped smiling at me.

"You coming?" He asked. I smiled and nodded and followed him through the dirt path surrounded by trees. We came to an opening and I froze.

A small house was built just before the beach, leading into the water. The other more crowded beach was not far, we could walk there. The house had huge windows with curtains, it was dark wood.

"Like it?" He asked setting the bags inside the door.

"It's amazing." I gasped walking in. The floors were light wood and everything was homey. It was cozy. With chairs that hung from the ceiling, large TV and lovely white orchids. It was all one floor, the bedroom was sectioned off by a sliding door. The bathroom was huge with a tub that could fit sixteen people, the bathroom was also flawless white marble. The kitchen was huge with a two seater table and amazing appliances.

The whole house was amazing...

Until I saw the bedroom.

The bedroom had a huge king size canopy bed with a million pillows. It looked so comfy and elegant. A large TV was on the wall and Dimitri set the suitcases inside.

"Wanna go for a swim?" He asked me resting his hand on his suitcase.

"A swim? Is the water cold?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me? The sun is shining on it all day, the water is amazing. Get dressed." He ordered walking out. I smiled and unzipped my suitcase and growled at the sight.

Skimpy swimsuits, lingerie, lace garments, short shirts, short jeans...what was this? That's when I sighed in relief. My grey comfy sweater that I adored was here. I clutched it. blanket much.

I skimmed through the small bikini's finally deciding on the all white one. I sighed and stripped down and changed into it. I tied my hair back and grabbed a towel from the bathroom.

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