Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Courtland's POV:

My coronation was today. I would be heading to Dulen with my family. I didn't know much of the Coronation. All I knew was that my hair had to be straight with nothing in it. I would have to present myself as I am which is a dark angel assassin. Which meant I had to wear my robes that Jeremy had fixed for me.

My eyes were still odd coloured but all of my bruises had healed and I was back to normal.

I tied up the string on my robe tightly while Dimitri sat on my bed. It was a special occassion so he had to wear a suit.

"Ready?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded and we walked downstairs together.


Dulen was nothing like I expected. I pictured it as this big magnificent place with tall statues of Gods and everything. Instead it was an old grey brick building with two guards at the front.

"King Ashton, Queen Nirvana, Prince Tyler, Prince Jeremiah, Prince Austin, Prince Mitchel, Prince Nicholas and Princess Courtland." The guard greeted us. How annoying must that be to say all of that?

My father nodded and they opened the old wooden door for us. Inside was a large stand in the shape of a circle with a big circle center with the Gods' symbol on it. The most important royals were here.

My grandfather, Lucifer Vallenwood, Marcus Anderfel, Quentin Hawke and Dominic Mathius. Also my father would be present. There was a little entrance way where mum and the boys would sit along with the wives of these men and grandma.

"Go to the center." Dad said to me quietly. I walked to the center slowly with my hood down facing Grandpa. He wore an expensive black suit and all of their faces carried no emotion.

"Courtland Carter. Daughter of Ashton Carter and Nirvana Watson. Sister of Tyler, Jeremiah, Austin, Mitchel and Nicholas Carter." Grandfather greeted me. I nodded slowly and then he starred up at the ceiling to the window.

"Oh great and almighty Gods. You have shown us that this young woman has proven herself worthy to be a Lady to all werewolves. She has proven herself a patriot to the race by saving us all from the darkness known as the Dark angels. She shows determination and guidance. The qualities we need in our new Lady." Grandpa said. The floor under me began to glow blue and swirls of magic began to flow around me. I felt like someone or something was holding me gently.

"We call you today to grant this woman with the guidance of our Gods. Give her strength to save us, Courage to never back down, pride to be proud of what she is and who she represents. Show us that she can be a better ruler for us."

I felt the hold on my slightly release and it felt like something was in my chest. It wasn't painful but it was weird. It was like someone was holding my heart now gently and pumping something through it. I looked down and a spiritual hand was through my chest. I looked to see who it was and it was our first ever Werewolf God. The man who created werewolves. Lord Calcelmo.

He smiled warmly at me. I was kind of scared.

"Guide the source of goodness and grace into our heart and let her become more powerful for she is the first ever lady!" with that said I felt like a huge adrenaline rush go through me. Ice went through my veins and I gasped a bit at the sensation. I looked down as my veins glowed with bright blue.

The spirit squeezed a little firmer and the adrenaline went away along with all of the strength in my body.

I slumped to my knees and he let go. Bending down to kiss my forehead.

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