Meeting Old Friends

Start from the beginning

Kurfürst: Oh yeah, must be me getting old

Spee: You're the opposite of Miss Mikasa

Z23: Oh that reminds me! Some of the Sakura Empire is coming today!

Kurfürst: Really? I wonder if any of my old friends are coming along...

Kurfürst: I'll figure it out when they get here, for now let's eat before the food gets cold
Mikasa: *sigh*

Nagato: What's wrong Mikasa? The trip pulling you down?

Mikasa: No, it's just me reflecting on this war, just, why did we do this? We have the sirens to worry about, not each other

Nagato: I agree with you, but most of the empire is on track to put Azur Lane down, I can't stop it now and can only hope they decide to stop themselves

Mikasa: I know that, it's just...hard to continue on this path, I'm a soldier and I fight for the people, but what do I do when my own people are technically aiding my greatest enemy?

Nagato: Remember the saying; keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

Mikasa: Now you sound like an old lady Nagato

Nagato: *huffs* I do not! If anything, I learned that from you, that would make you an old lady as well!

Mikasa: Care to repeat that?

Nagato: NO!

Mikasa: Good

Soon enough, the small fleet, consisting of Mikasa, Nagato, Ayanami, and Agano were standing on the horizon of the Ironblood Port. Nagato radioed in to alert them of their arrival, and the group sailed to port.

Upon docking, the group was somewhat surprised to see most of the ships in a very good mood. Something most Ironblood ships aren't known for.

Ayanami: Is there a celebration soon?

Agano: There could be, I just wonder if we're invited to it if that's true

?: Ah! Welcome to the base Sakurans!

Welcoming the ships to port is Prinz Eugen, who is also carrying the glee filled smile.

Nagato: Hello to you Prinz Eugen, and I presume you are rather busy right now?

Prinz: No not at all, I'm just in a good mood

Nagato: And may you tell us why?

Prinz: *giggles* That's, a, secret~

Ayanami:...Why are you always like this Prinz?

Prinz: Well that's what makes me me after all, feel free to explore and relax, but Nagato and Mikasa, I need you two

Mikasa: Really? Why do you need us specifically?

Prinz: Just something I want to show you two, something you're going to love

Nagato: Damn it, she knows I love surprises. Very well, lead on then
Prinz, Nagato, and Mikasa soon arrived at the bar, standing outside and hearing a surprising amount of noise coming from inside.

Mikasa: Is it usually that rowdy in there?

Prinz: No, but today's a special occasion

Prinz opens the door for the two, who walk in and gaze on a beer drinking competition. Several girls are completely knocked out and sprawled on the floor, others are barely awake and attempting to stand.

However, there is quite a crowd surrounding one table, many girls placing bets and cheering for either person, which they can't see yet.

Prinz: Hey Koln, who's winning right now?

Koln: Right now, I think your mom is gonna win, Mother isn't holding to well right now


Koln: Nevermind, she just fell out

Cheers erupt from the crowd, as several girls either gain or pass money from their bets.

Mikasa: Well, that looks a bit much for a simple competition

Prinz: Remember Mikasa, we have the beer to drink and have fun, not to celebrate like you

Mikasa: What's that supposed to mean?!

Nagato: I'll have to stop you two, I need something answered

Prinz: And that is?

Nagato: Why did Koln say "your mom"?

Mikasa processed the question, before she went bug eyed and looked back at the crowd.

The figure who won was standing up, her cheeks were still their creamy white. She wasn't drunk in the slightest.

But that face...

Mikasa: Oh my god...

Nagato: What? I kind of can't see

Mikasa lifts her and shows her the woman's face, Nagato's eyes also widen.

Prinz: This is the surprise I wanted to show you two, go ahead and say hello after all these years

The two accept the idea, slowly making their way through the crowd, growing closer to the Battleship. Mikasa slowly dawning one of her rare smiles, while Nagato starts tearing up the closer they get.

Eventually, they make it to the front of the crowd, passing by one more person before they got to the table, The giant woman turned around and looked at who had arrived to challenge her.

Mikasa watched the woman catch her breath once she landed her eyes on the Sakuran duo.

Mikasa: Großer...

Kurfürst: Well are you then Mikasa?

Kurfürst smiles at Mikasa, before feeling a slight patting on her leg's plating, looking down, she sees the teary eyed Nagato staring up at her.

Kurfürst: Nagato!

Kurfürst picks up Nagato and hugs her to her chest, to which Nagato hugs back.

Kurfürst: It's been so long you two! How's my favorite niece?

Nagato: I'm doing great, but now my days complete with you here!

Kurfürst: And don't think I forgot about you ya old coot, how are you?

Mikasa: Wha-*sigh* I'll let that slide since we're both old

Kurfürst: Age ain't slowing down this metal machine, don't let the youngins get that in your head ok?

Mikasa: Hah! I guess I'll try then

Kurfürst puts Nagato on her shoulders, and because of her armor, Nagato gets an actual seat on her back.

Kurfürst: We have a lot to catch up on, why don't we walk and talk?

Mikasa: Like the old days?

Kurfürst: Just like the old days...

Back when we fought side by side...

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