Our Souls Forever Will Be

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Arbiter: Cheers!


She downed her glass of whiskey as Kurfürst did the same. She wiped her mouth and let out a satisfied breath as she finished.

Arbiter: That was refreshing...when was the last time we did this anyway?

Kurfürst: I think...1944 was the year at least

Arbiter: And it's 2021...it's been 77 years since we last sat together and had a drink huh?

She put her hand on Kurfürst's shoulder, who looked a bit reluctant to embrace her.

Arbiter: To think that time changed us so quickly...it's almost sad to see how both you and I drifted apart over these years

Kurfürst: YOU were the one who differed immensely, I'm practically the same

Arbiter: Hah! You got that right


She poured them both another glass, setting the bottle down and looking at her old friend.

Arbiter: Where did the years go? It felt like only yesterday that we were fighting against the Sirens side by side...now I'm the leader of your sworn enemy

She slowly drank the shot.

Arbiter: I mean, don't get me wrong I'm not that happy you killed so many of them. But I get where you're coming from, and a small part of me is...happy that you stuck to your role for so many years

Kurfürst softly smiled

Kurfürst: I knew where I needed to draw the line from work to life, and I made sure to establish all boundaries to keep everyone safe. My steadiness and ease is how I take on life

Arbiter: Yeah yeah...might as well take lessons from the woman older than tortoises

She got a stink eye from Kurfürst, but it didn't affect her in the slightest.

Kurfürst: So how was life here anyway? You became the leader of the Sirens a long time ago so how would you say it is?

Arbiter: Hmm...It was rocky at first, considering they didn't tamper with me at all over the years besides changing me from human to Siren. There's also the problem with the second personality I developed that was the culmination of my love and respect of Humanity

Kurfürst: Multi personality disorder?

Arbiter: Close, but it was actually another siren that was born from my subconscious

Kurfürst: Huh...strange

Arbiter: Yeah, it was pretty weird


Arbiter stood up, beckoning Kurfürst to do so as well.

Arbiter: Come on, I have something to show you Mathilde

She grabbed her hand and ran with her in tow, exiting the room and going out to the open pavilion.

Kurfürst: S-Senna?! Where are you taking me?!

Arbiter looked back to her, flashing a smile with her pink eyes.

Arbiter: I'm taking you to the ballroom! We're going to dance just like you did all those years ago!

Kurfürst's eyes shrank when she said dance, but it was quickly rectified with a soft smile.

Kurfürst: Alright, I'll bite! I'll teach you just how Otto taught me!

Arbiter: L-like this?

Kurfürst:*smiles* Yes, just like that

Kurfürst was teaching her how to do the Waltz, she lead the movements and told Arbiter to looked down at their feet, watching her movement to copy.

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