Part 22

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Jimin: Rose!! Are you okay?
Rose: Y-yeah! Uhh is y/n there?!
Jimin: yeah but we have a situation!
Rose: really what?
Jimin: I killed y/n's ex and y/n was r*pe by him and now she doesn't have clothes And I'm all bloody. Also do not let jungkook know!
Rose: ummm I'll try to distract him by going to the store and telling him that you both are safe but you both have to shower but only one bathroom works rn so take a shower together also where are you?
Jimin: heading home with y/n. Luckily there is no one there looking at her body. Leave when we are there.
Rose: ok
End of phone call
Me: aha your sweater! Give me! I don't want my body having bacteria!
Rose's POV:
(I got the text that they are outside so I'm gonna ask Jungkook.)
Me: jungkook!
Jungkook: what happened?! Where are they?!
Me: I called and they are heading home also they are safe.
Jungkook: ok that's good now let's wait for them.
Me: actually jungkook! Can we go to the store? I'm actually craving food and so might y/n so let's go? Please?
Jungkook: okay than! I'm also hungry!
They left*
Y/n's POV:
Me and Jimin came in. Jimin went in the kitchen and I was near the door. But just then jungkook opened it.
Jungkook: Y/N? Your Here? Are you okay-
Me: OH YES. I had a bloody nose and my paints got stain so I am wearing Jimin's big sweater but I got shorts under so don't worry.
(Jungkook was about to hug me but I just turned around just to make him think I didn't notice,)
Me: alright I'm gonna shower! Actually I want food!
Jungkook: okay I'll bring you food!
Me: yayyy!
Jungkook leaves*
Me: Jimin you can come out now!
Jimin: if he caught me than how would I explain blood everywhere?
Me: yeah okay let's shower! Before he realizes that blood was involve and that I wore your sweater with nothing.
In the shower*
Me and Jimin did feel uncomfortable because we haven't seen each other like this.
Me: if we turn around we probably will make fun of each other
Jimin: hahaha right..let's turn around.
(We turn around.
We felt more comfortable and we did end up making fun of each other. We felt like kids again )
To be continued...

Pregnant by the mafia boss (es?)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora