Part 1

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I barely woke up and I got a call from Jimin.

(Authors POV: Hold on.!!! Before you read further here's some information about y/n
Name: park y/n
Brother: park Jimin
Mom & dad: still alive but don't Really care about you or jimin.                                     

Friends: None but your brother

 Boyfriend: Jeon jungkook
Yrs old: 21
Ok that's it for now. Now let's continue!!! :)

*On call*

"Hello?! Jimin" I said. "Hey! Y/n, Guess what?!" I was curious but i don't have the time to guess. I Want to know. " What?! Is it good news?" I asked. "It depends on how you take it butt the news is that I'll come visit you in two Months!." I was surprised. It has been 4 yrs since he last visited. We only texted, called and face timed but we couldn't do that a lot which really was upsetting but i understood. The reason why he left town was bc he had to go over seas to do unfinished business that mom and dad left him to do and he goes to college there. "what?! Really?! Yah! That Great news!!." I squealed. "Yeah!! I can't wait to meet you! Are you still open with jungkook yet? Or to anyone?" he asked. Why did he have to bring him upp!? "no... I-i...I'm too scared to and NO I don't want to be open to anyone" I said a little nervous cause I always trusted my brother than anyone. "Come on Y/N. YOU CAN DO IT!" jimin said. I then remember what traumatize jimin for a bit and for me so long. " Don't you remember about 'Linda' and 'Nick'

Authors POV:

Sorry if your name is Linda lol but Linda was y/n's best friend and nick was Jimin's best friend. Y/n and jimin were really open and acted like themselves around people back then but Linda and nick were so annoyed and jealous. They started spreading rumors even about jimin and Y/n's insecurities. Jimin and y/n soon found out and with that both lost their trust with others except Jimin tried to be open with Rose (his gf). Rose totally understands and she's happy Jimin is able to open up to her at least a little bit and Jimin forgot a bit of the incident for a bit.

for your information: I'm not shipping anyone. this is just for fun. nothing is serious here. So keep in mind everything that I write is fiction. Any who let's continue.)

"Oh! I forgot about that but I'm the same but I'm a little open though and I'm sorry!" Jimin said nervously. "Nah it's ok!! I just don't want to be open to anyone but you!!" I said. "Ok then you do what you want but remember that I will always support you! Bye I gotta go!"
"BYE love you!!! See you in person in two months!!" I said all happy."I love you too!! But you still gotta talk to me in these two months tho!!!! So talk to ya later!" he said joking but being for reals too. "hahaha oh yeah then talk to ya later! Bye Bye love you!"I said. "Me too!" he said.
*call ended*

Your POV:

I miss jk a lot but he's busy these days! I'm not that open with him yet. I haven't told him about Jimin being my brother and about my personal life bc of my past I told him he shouldn't ask why. Today, I'm going to his house but at night. Which is a little unusual? I'm preparing everything for Jimin when he comes so I gotta buy some stuff. WAIT...JUNGKOOK DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT JIMIN!!! Calm down Y/n. You can tell him today!!

*later that night*

I'm At jungkook's house! I'm a little nervous. I knock at the door and jungkook opens it quickly. "Bae I'm needy. And I'm tired of always using toys!" he said. "Uh I-i don't K-know what to do.?" I said flustered. I'm probably red right now...

"Then let me show you if you want?!" He smirked. I know what he means but I'll agree bc he deserves it cause i always been so distant and made him suffer from my past. this is the only way I can tell him that i trust him and that i truly love him. Jk started taking his clothes off and I was kinda uncomfortable. "Don't worry I won't judge you and your body is perfect no matter what" jk said softly. "Is it your first time y/n" jk said concern. "Uhh I-i..yeah" I hid my face. I felt so embarrassed. I was probably so red that I could explode!!"Ok then don't be embarrassed, I'm glad to be your first" he said proudly. "Let's make love now" jk said. He started coming close to me and I wasn't sure if we should do this but I love him.

He press his soft lips onto mine and the kiss was all gentle but then it started to get rough to the point where he started taking off his clothes along with mine but mid way of kissing I grabbed the blanket to cover my body cause it was getting exposed so much.

"Why did you do that? I saw your naked body now but you covered that beautiful view" he said. "I-i'm embarrassed about my body" I said hiding under the cover. "I love your body as much as I love everything about you so let's not let the negative words come in this special moment" he said. I nodded and he threw the covers off and started kissing me.

(Author's note: I don't want to write "it" so I'll leave your imagination to that and let's just say they forgot to do something first before doing "it".)

To be continued...

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