Part 15

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We already landed and we saw the news
People were scared and I was secretly scare but didn't say anything..
Jimin: so much for Coming in peace.
Rose: But no one knows how you and jungkook look like..yet..
We reached a taxi and we all went together
Rose and Jimin were at the back while I was at the front...the man looked at me but he placed his hands on my thighs..I felt brother and rose weren't paying attention.. they look up but the man hid his hands when they looked...they fell asleep but I was trying to but the guy kept touching me..
Me:Excuse me sir but can you please not touch me? I'm uncomfortable..
But the guy then started putting his hands under my skirt...we were at the gas station...
I felt scared..
Me: sir I'm can you stop please... I said trying to move his hands
Guy: no..and idc if your pregnant.. (he got out of the car to my side and started dragging me out..)
Me:S-stop!!!! J-jimin!!! R-rose!!! H-help ME!!! PLEASE LET ME GOOOO!
He then pulled me to the wall and try kissing me but then someone knocked him...
I didn't look up
???: Are you okay?
(That isn't Jimin!...That's JUNGKOOK?!..I just nodded..but started crying...)
???:What's wrong?
(I just got up from hugging my knees and went to the store to the bathroom cause jungkook was outside)
Jungkook: Huh? She didn't even say thank you..I miss my y/n...she probably has a bf hurts..Lia was a betrayal because she worked for the enemy...I never loved her..only y/ life isn't good without you...I need you...where are you? Who am I even waiting for?
Jimin: hello?
Jungkook: hello?
Jimin: Are you the mafia? Mr.jeon's son right? Jungkook?
Jungkook: yeah and who are you?
Jimin: the other mafia...
jungkook: oh then I was waiting for you..did you travel with someone?
Jimin: yes but they are both going home
Jungkook: btw I think I hurt your driver...
Jimin:huh? Why?
Jungkook: he started grabbing this girl which she went inside..oh and here's her phone..
Jimin: oh no!!! Y/...I mean my friend...
Jungkook: what's your friend name?
Jimin: uhh her name is...*ring ring ring* hold on
Rose:She's here! She was touched inappropriately...she's hurt!! Is it okay if me and her go can wait for the other person right...also try and open up you bae..
Jimin: yeah it's okay go home and I'm already with jungkook ok! Take care baby!
End of phone Call
Jungkook: is that your girlfriend and your friend..
Jimin: yes and sorry if I don't open up to you well..I have been like this ever since something in the past happened..
(Author POV:They entered in the car...)
Jungkook: It's alright..I actually had a gf like this but we broke up a month ago..All because of my father but she seem happy when I told her..
Jimin: I had to break up with my girlfriend because of my parents but they aren't even my Parents died and only my non real father died two days ago and my non real mom is arrested for being abusive..I'm trying to open up but I might pause a little by sorry
Jungkook: oh..but I understand...I can barely focus cause I think of her...y/n... I felt really sad..I did stop eating. all because I had to replace her with a girl I don't even know but I heard she got killed and her parents are dead now because of my father and someone else..she betrayed us..
Jimin: I know cause I killed her..she came to where my frien- I mean she was looking for someone hehe well are we there yet?
Jungkook: yeah...

To be continue...

Pregnant by the mafia boss (es?)Where stories live. Discover now