𝟐𝟗. 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐭. 𝟑

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dani followed them outside of the school, with her entire friend group and vinnie's friend group behind her.

"you guys will not be allowed back in. just be glad mrs. laura didn't call the police. fighting on school property is not allowed." mr. bradley firmly stated and left to go back inside the school.

"whatever. i'm going home. fuck this school and fuck all of you guys," elmo started to walk towards his car but stopped when he realized dani wasn't behind him, "come on, dani." he ordered.

dani nodded her head and started walking towards him, but jaden grabbed her arm and pulled her next to him, "she's not going."

"excuse me?" elmo asked.

jaden cleared his throat, "she's not going," he repeated. "you're a toxic piece of shit and i'll be damned if i let my best friend go with you. you call her the school slut and now you wanna act like nothing happened?"

elmo let out a menacing laugh, " oh so mr. rockstar thinks he's all big and bad now?"

vinnie stepped in front of jaden and dani, "don't start something you can't finish. because this time it won't just be me kicking your ass."

"okay, vinnie," elmo scoffed and left to walk towards his car, "by the way dani, it's over. go to hell."

"he has the right idea," kiara spoke up, "i'm leaving this bitch. fuck you, vincent." she turned to walk away and vinnie grabbed her by the arm.

"why are you leaving?" he asked.

she slapped his hand away, "are you fucking dumb? you lied to me and you just fought another guy over a girl! let's not forget that the guy you fought is that girl's ex boyfriend!" she yelled and pointed to dani, "you like her and i'm tired of sitting here and looking stupid. i'm done."

"but—" vinnie started and he was cut off by bryce hall.

"dude, just let her go."

"mind your business pissboy!" chase responded.

"it's true, though," kio added, "their relationship was doomed from the start anyways."

"thank you for having a brain, kio," kiara said and left to call an uber, "goodbye vinnie. please don't ever contact me again."

the two groups stood there and looked at each other. the only thing they heard was each other's breathing. despite it being california, it was cold outside and they were just standing there in dresses and suits without jackets.

"well..." vinnie said and turned around to look at dani.

"well?" dani replied, wishing the night would end so she could just go home.

he took a deep sigh and his heart was in his ears. the guys were silently encouraging him to get on with his words.

"it's true. i like you and i'm just tired of hiding how i feel," vinnie finally admitted.

had if the circumstances been different, dani would've been thrilled. however, she wasn't in the best mood considering he just beat the crap out of her now ex boyfriend.

"are you serious?" was all she managed to make out and her friends gasped at her reaction.

"what?" vinnie asked, feeling confused.

"what is wrong with you? you just beat up elmo and even though he wasn't the best guy, you don't just go around punching people!"

"but dani he was disrespecting you and i—"

"you really thought you could just pick a fight, break kiara's heart, and i'd be with you like nothing happened? what did you think? that— that we'd just be a happy couple and run off into the sunset together? i can't right now with you vinnie. my life was so much better before you. i— i had elmo. i didn't have to worry about whether or not people whispered everytime i walked by," dani shakily said and tears formed in her eyes again, "i can't do this."

vinnie walked closer to her and gently grabbing her hand, "but were you happy?"

dani looked up at him, her cheeks a bit red due to the cold air, "huh?"

"look," vinnie started and used his other hand to run it through his hair, "i know you think i fucked up your life and that's fair. i know i fucked up a lot since our friendship started to become complicated. but dani, we have so much fun together and i know for a fact that how i feel isn't one-sided."

"it's not," dani responded softly and sighed, "but i can't have this discussion. not right now. jaden, can you please bring me home?"

"sure. i'll see you all monday, except— uh— vinnie," jaden awkwardly said and put his arm around madison, with dani, bryce, and riley behind them. they walked to his car and all got inside.

dani has never felt as frustrated as she was now. the night had been a complete trainwreck. all she wanted to do was have fun with her friends, but even that was impossible.

she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. what sucked the most was that there wasn't just one reason she was crying, there were several.

as dani cried into her own lap in the backseat, bryce did his best to try and comfort her, "it's okay. i know, baby sis." he said while rubbing her back. madison did her best to ease the tension by quietly turning on the radio.

"i just don't un—understand," she tried her best to say as her shaky breaths from crying would interrupt her words. "am i actually a slut for what i did?"

"of course not," bryce responded, "you were single and although i do not want to discuss this, you are the furthest thing from... that. as your twin brother, i wish you didn't do it, but as your friend, you did nothing wrong."

soon the car ride was over and jaden pulled up to bryce and dani's house. they both got out and waved goodbye as he pulled off after making sure they safely got in.

their parents were sleeping and dani went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. it was exactly was she needed to end off the disastrous night.

as she laid in her bed with fresh pajamas on, she finally felt some type of peace. she felt like nothing bad could happen. no fights, no shaming. just her and her warm bed.

author's note:


𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐓𝐒, 𝐯.𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now