Act 12- Chaos and Destruction

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As everyone in Tokyo was now used to Sailor Sun and Sailor Moon's teans, Sakura got a call from Athena on her communicator and answered it, wondering what was up.

"It's about Queen Esmeralda," said Athena. "I think there's a chance that she might end up causing trouble in Tokyo. We need to warn our other teammates and Usagi's team right away." Sakura knew Athena was right and decided to do it, telling the others what she was told on her communicator. After she finished explaining everything, she decided to go stop Queen Esmeralda once and for all.

Sakura, Cherry, Selene and Dawn headed outside and ran into the other solar scouts and all transformed so that they can go stop Queen Esmeralda once and for all, even though the task was going to be a very tricky one, but the task needed to happen nonetheless.

As they got to where Queen Esmeralda was, they saw what she was doing and were surprised to see that she was attacking Sailor Moon and her group.

"LET THEM GO!" Super Sailor Sun yelled. "I'm Sailor Sun, guardian of justice and life! In the name of the Sun, you shall burn!"

"Protected by Earth, the planet of life. Guardian of love and hope! I'm Sailor Earth! In the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!"

"Protected by Galaxy, guardian of the Milky Way! I'm Sailor Galaxy! In the name of the Galaxy, I'll stop you in your tracks!

"Protected by Universe, guardian of outer space itself! I'm Sailor Universe! In the name of the Universe, I'll conquer you!"

"Protected by Orion, guarian of the hunter constellation! I'm Sailor Orion! In the name of Orion, I'll defeat you!"

"Protected by Aurora, guardian of the Northern Lights! I'm Sailor Aurora!"

"You shouldn't have done that! I'm Sailor Chibi Sun, the trainee guardian of justice and life! In the name of the future Sun, you shall burn!"

"Protected by Cassiopeia, guardian of the stars! I'm Sailor Cassiopeia!"

"Protected by Leo, guardian of the lion constellation. I'm Sailor Leo!"

"I am the emissary of darkness. Protected by Midnight, guardian of the midnight hour! I'm Sailor Midnight!"

Super Sailor Sun knew that she had to get Sailor Moon and her team to safety since there was a chance that things might get real bad, and, since Sailor Moon was cousins with Galaxy and Midnight, and Leo was related to Mars, it made sense that Sun's team should assist Moon's team.










As Super Sailor Sun and her team managed to free Sailor Moon and her group, Sailor Midnight told her cousin and everyone in her group to get to safety, since she felt that Queen Esmeralda was too dangerous for them to handle. Sailor Moon agreed but was nervous for her cousin.

"Be careful," Sailor Moon said. "I don't want you to get hurt." Sailor Midnight smiled and nodded.

"We will," Sailor Midnight said as she saw her cousin leave with her team. Sailor Cassiopeia knew that this was going to be a long battle, and wondered if they would win.

Queen Esmeralda saw the girls and attacked them with her dark magic. Super Sailor Earth created a barrier around her team, giving the others a chance to use their attacks, but wondered if there was a chance that Super Sailor Sun had to throw out her star seed and seal Queen Esmeralda once and for all. Super Sailor Sun nodded, throwing out her star seed, sealing Queen Esmeralda forever.

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