Act 4-Athena-Sailor Universe

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As the girls were walking to school, Sakura got pushed down by someone and was annoyed. Terra and Stella saw this, along with another girl. She scolded the bully for doing that and helped her up.

"What a jerk," the girl said. "Sorry, I can't believe that happened to you. Name's Athena. What are your names?" Sakura and her friends introduced themselves and smiled at the girl.

"Thanks for helping me out," Sakura said. "That was very nice of you." Athena smiled as they walked to school together.

"Sure thing," Athena said. "By the way, I'm a Shinto priestess just like Rei, and also into sports." Sakura smiled as they all walked inside the class.

As the lunch period started, everyone started talking about Sailor Galaxy, Sailor Sun, and Sailor Earth. Athena looked at her classmates.

"They've become popular, right?" Athena asked. "I mean, after all, those girls ARE superheroes, aren't they?" Terra nodded.

"Yeah, they are," Sakura said. "They're definitely popular." Athena smiled as she wanted to be a superhero as well.

After school, the girls decided to go look at some dresses and noticed that they were beautiful but super pricy.

"Man, I wish I was rich like Ami," said Athena. "I'd love to buy the aquamarine dress over there." Sakura nodded.

"I'd definitely love to buy that orange dress," said Sakura. "Terra, Stella, what about you two?" Terra and Stella looked at a navy blue dress.

"Navy blue all the way!" Stella and Terra said. Athena laughed with the girls, knowing that none of them had enough money to buy those dresses.

As they continued walking, they noticed Dawn and Cole again plus some people acting strangely. The only reason Terra was in cram school was that she was super smart like Ami.

"Uh oh......" Stella said. "This is bad, very bad." Sakura nodded with Terra, telling Athena to get to safety.

"No way, I'm going to help you girls no matter what! Besides, there are probably people out there that aren't affected!" Athena said. Stella smiled.

"Be careful," Stella said. "It could be dangerous." Athena nodded as she got the unaffected people to safety since she wanted to help out, no matter how dangerous the situation was going to be.

As Athena was getting the rest of the people to safety, Sakura, Terra, and Stella transformed into their superhero outfits.




As they transformed, the girls saw the person that was responsible for the hypnotism and wanted to stop him before anyone else was hypnotized.

"Hypnotizing people to do your bidding is not cool, Spellbound! I'm Sailor Sun, guardian of justice and life! In the name of the Sun, you shall burn!"

"Protected by Earth, the planet of life. Guardian of love and hope! I'm Sailor Earth! In the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!"

"Protected by Galaxy, guardian of the Milky Way. I'm Sailor Galaxy! In the name of the Galaxy, I'll stop you in your tracks!"

Spellbound laughed as the hypnotized victims attacked the scouts and Athena saw this, thinking that she should do something about it and save them. Dawn also saw this and handed her a transformation pen that looked like Sailor Mercury's.

"Athena, those girls need your help. Say Universal Power, Make Up." Dawn said. "You might be able to save your new friends and free the hypnotized victims." Athena nodded, knowing what she had to do.

"UNIVERSAL POWER, MAKE UP!" Athena shouted, seeing her transformation and astrological sign appear then her tiara.

"Protected by Universe, guardian of outer space itself! I'm Sailor Universe! In the name of the Universe, I'll conquer you!" Sailor Universe yelled. Sailor Sun saw this, and smiled, thinking that Sailor Universe would be the one to save the hypnotized victims.

"I am Universe, the universe is big. I am outer space, outer space is my jig!" Spellbound's control of the hypnotized victims was lifted but he then attacked Sailor Sun.

"You're not going to win that easily!" Sailor Universe said. "UNIVERSAL SHOCK!" Spellbound was hit and then disappeared.

After the fight, the girls transformed back into their regular outfits and noticed that everything went back to normal, but knew they were going to have a big fight since they had a lot of enemies to stop.

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