Act 2-Terra-Sailor Earth

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The next day, Sakura was walking to school and saw Terra, who was talking to their classmates about being saved by Sailor Sun.  

"Maybe she might join Sailor Earth," Yuki said. "They both seem dedicated to what they do, and that would be awesome if I saw it in the newspaper." Terra just smiled and looked at her. 

"That'll be cool," Terra said as she saw Sakura, who looked familiar to her for some reason. She couldn't put a finger on why, though, but she was. 

There's a chance that we might be connected, Sakura thought. Terra looks a lot like Sailor Earth, and I had a pretty good idea I was the princess, so if I'm correct, Sailor Earth is Terra, meaning she's the leader of my Inner Guardians. Sakura then walked over to Terra as the bell rang, and went to the seat next to hers.

As lunch came, Sakura decided to sit next to Terra and told her about the dreams she had of the heroic princess. Terra smiled as she looked at Sakura.

"Oh my gosh," Terra said. "That's amazing. My cat Cole said that he thought you were the princess that in my past life, I swore to look after despite the fact that she was, in fact, extremely dedicated to saving lives and put herself at risk despite how dangerous it was." Sakura hugged Terra and smiled. 

"You've must've done your part too, as we're both alive, since, if I wasn't here, the world would need you," Sakura said. Terra smiled at this and looked at her. 

As school ended, the two of them decided to go to the arcade and ran into Usagi and Ami, a girl that looked like Sailor Mercury. 

"Hey!" Usagi said. "This is my friend, Ami. I'm Usagi. What are your names?" Sakura smiled as well as Terra.

"I'm Tokomoto Sakura," Sakura said. "This is my friend, Terra." Terra smiled at that when she saw Ami. 

"So, playing the Sailor V game?" Terra asked. "Have you heard of the game, Sailor Earth?" Ami shook her head. 

"I have to go to cram school," Ami said. "It was nice meeting you two, though. Hopefully, we'll see each other again." Terra nodded as she left for cram school.

"I might as well go, too," Terra said. "I also have to go to cram school." Sakura nodded as she left her and Usagi.

The next day, she saw Terra and decided to talk to her, wondering if she wanted to hang out again at the arcade.

"Sure," Terra said. "But there's something you should know. There are monsters out there and I think there's something off about Ami. I think she might've been brainwashed." Sakura gulped. 

"We need to warn Usagi and Sailor V before it's too late," Sakura said. "There's a chance that this could be bad." Terra nodded as they went into class. 

After school, Sakura went to the arcade with Usagi and put in the two discs, to analyze them. She was suspicious of the cram school and figured that there was a chance that something similar might happen to Terra. 

"Those are brainwashing discs!" Sailor V said over the intercom. "Sakura, it's a good thing that your guardian was smart enough to analyze them. She was right. Moon, you need to go find Mercury and save her, but not alone. Earth and Sun will help you." Usagi nodded. 

"Let's do this," Sakura said. "No one messes with Ami!" Sakura nodded as she went with Usagi to help her deal with the situation, but knew Terra went to the cram school as well, so she decided to stop it from happening to Terra.

"Sun, change me into a police officer!" Sakura said as she saw the people guarding the academy. 

"I need to speak with one of the students," Sakura said in an official tone. "It's important." The people let her inside.

As Sakura managed to get inside, she saw Terra and knew that there was a chance Terra might end up a victim as well, but was lucky it didn't happen. 

"Terra, you and I were right," Sakura said. "They're brainwashing discs." Terra gulped as she heard this. 

"Knew it," Terra said. "Luckily, I'm not brainwashed, but the other students are, as well as Ami. It might take Usagi to break her out of it, but we need to save the others." Sakura nodded in agreement.



The monster that tried to brainwash Terra was annoyed, figuring that the only way to be stopped was to use more energy from the remaining brainwashed students.

"Hey, you can't do that! Leave them alone! I'm Sailor Sun, guardian of justice and life! In the name of the Sun, you shall burn!

"Protected by Earth, the planet of life. Guardian of love and hope! I'm Sailor Earth! In the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!"

Sailor Sun smiled as she knew she had an ally like Earth on her side, and wondered if she'd save the other students. Sailor Earth nodded.



The monster dodged and attacked Sailor Sun, causing Sailor Earth to be in the defensive mode when she saw this. 

"Not on my watch you creep! Fire Arrows!" Sailor Earth yelled, causing the monster to disappear. 

Sailor Sun saw this and smiled at Sailor Earth, wondering what would happen next after their situation. 

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