Act 6-Disaster Strikes! Meet Sailor Aurora!

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After everyone had gotten used to the fact that they had two teams saving Tokyo, a new enemy was going to get ready to attack. Dawn and Cole were already doing research on their enemies but didn't know who their new enemy was going to be.
Meanwhile, at Athena's shrine, Athena was sensing that a new enemy was approaching but didn't know who it was and decided to call the two cats and her teammates as well as Ichigo over to discuss the situation and figure out how to stop this new enemy that was approaching.
"We need to be ready for this new enemy," Terra said as everyone was at the shrine. "There a chance that they might be able to attack innocent civilians and destroy the universe." Ichigo nodded in agreement with Sakura and the others.
"Bu with Athena as Sailor Universe, if the enemy is more powerful than most enemies, she might be able to help out and save everyone." Ichigo said. "Though if it's darn Enchantress getting more allies, I say you girls get the Loyal Blade in order to stop her for good." The girls nodded in agreement. Enchantress was EXTREMELY ANNOYING.
"I wouldn't be surprised if she was coming up with some stupid idea to eliminate us," Stella said. "She's both evil and stupid since her plans NEVER EVEN WORK." Dawn nodded.
"Yeah, where's she from? Planet Crazy?!" Dawn laughed. "She's never successful! She's no better than her idiotic second in command Spellbound! They're equally dumb!"' Everyone laughed at that comment. It was true. Both of them were just plain stupid.
"I'd like to stop those ding dongs for real this time," Sakura said. "I've had enough of those two." Everyone had to admit that she had a fair point since they had the same feeling.
All of a sudden, people started crying and screaming for help. Sakura and her group went to find out what was wrong and get to the bottom of the situation.
"What's wrong?" Ichigo asked as he saw a little girl.
"People are getting attacked," the little girl said. "By this creepy person named Priestess Onyx." Sakura was surprised and knew that her group needed to get ready to fight no matter what. Dawn and Cole went with the girl to get her to safety.
Ichigo went somewhere where he could get in his costume so that the girls could say their transformation phrases.
After everyone was ready, they all went to find Priestess Onyx and stop her once and for all, though they didn't think it was going to be an easy fight.
"Priestess Onyx, you're not gonna get away with this! I'm Sailor Sun, guardian of justice and life! In the name of the Sun, you shall burn!"
"Protected by Earth, the planet of life. Guardian of love and hope! I'm Sailor Earth! In the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!"
"Protected by Galaxy, guardian of the Milky Way. I'm Sailor Galaxy! In the name of the Galaxy, I'll stop you in your tracks!"
"Protected by Universe, guardian of outer space itself! I'm Sailor Universe! In the name of the Universe, I'll conquer you!"
"Protected by Orion, guardian of the hunter constellation. I'm Sailor Orion! In the name of Orion, I'll defeat you!"
As the girls yelled out their attacks, all of them got hit by the powers of Priestess Onyx. They weren't going to give up, though. They had to keep trying. It was their duty to save the universe. As the cats and Tuxedo Phoenix came, another girl showed up.
"Protected by Aurora, guardian of the Northern Lights! I'm Sailor Aurora!"
Sailor Sun saw this and smiled.
As Priestess Onyx was about to make her final move, a metal phoenix her and she disappeared. The girls saw this and changed back to their regular outfits, wondering who they'd meet next.

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