Act 5-Alice-Sailor Orion

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As the girls were starting to become a team, they noticed Dawn and Cole again, wanting to share even more news with them.

"Girls, we found out who the next Sailor Scout is." Dawn said. "Her name is Sailor Orion, she has long pigtails, just like Usagi. Her uniform, however, is light green and forest green, though her item is a light green transformation pen. She was very special, as she was a daughter of Orion, and I think Artemis was attracted to him somehow, and even gave birth to her. In this life, she's a classmate of you girls known as Alice." Athena was surprised as well as the other girls.

"We need to find her before something bad happens to her." Athena said. "There's a chance that the Darkverse could find her first and attack her before she awakens her powers." Dawn nodded and they went to go find Alice, who was at the local park, kicking a soccer ball.

"Hey," Alice said. "How are you girls?" Athena smiled with the others.

"We're good," Sakura said. "So, you've probably seen us in class before, right?" Alice nodded and looked at them.

"Yeah, I have some classes with each of you," Alice said. "I'm even on the girls' soccer team with Athena, and I do astrology with Stella." Stella smiled.

"Awesome," Stella said. "So, how about we pass the ball to each other?" Alice thought that was a good idea and went to the grass with her classmates, having fun with them as they chatted and passed the ball to each other.

Suddenly, people started passing out and the girls wondered what was going on. Alice decided to talk to Dawn and Cole about it, since she had a feeling that the police couldn't do anything about the situation, while the others transformed.





After the four girls transformed, Alice was impressed by their transformations and got curious, wondering if there was a chance that she could be a scout too.

"You will not take away the lives of innocent people! I forbid it! I'm Sailor Sun, guardian of justice and life! In the name of the Sun, you shall burn!"

"Protected by Earth, the planet of life. Guardian of love and hope! I'm Sailor Earth! In the name of the Earth, you shall atone for your actions!"

"Protected by Galaxy, guardian of the Milky Way. I'm Sailor Galaxy! In the name of the Galaxy, I'll stop you in your tracks!"

"Protected by Universe, guardian of outer space itself! I'm Sailor Universe! In the name of the Universe, I'll conquer you!"

Spellbound wasn't impressed and used a spell to attack the girls, causing Alice to feel nervous for her classmates and ended up rushing to the front lines to save them.

"I won't let you do this, creep!" Alice said. "Those girls are more special than you think!" Dawn tossed the transformation pen to Alice and saw that she was as brave as her mother, Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt. Alice nodded and knew what she had to do.

"ORION CONSTELLATION POWER, MAKE UP!" Alice yelled as she transformed into Sailor Orion.

"Protected by Orion, guardian of the hunter constellation! I'm Sailor Orion! In the name of Orion, I'll defeat you!" Dawn saw this and knew that Sailor Orion was the final Sailor Guardian they were looking for, and smiled.

"ORION'S ARROW!" Sailor Orion yelled at Spellbound. Sailor Earth saw this and was impressed that Sailor Orion was a lot like the Greek goddess Artemis, goddess of the hunt.

After Spellbound left, knowing he was defeated, Sailor Universe cured the passed out victims and then the girls transformed back into their school uniforms, then went back to playing soccer.

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