Act 10- Darkness and Despair! The Rise of Sailor Midnight!

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After everyone had gotten used to each other's quirks, they met at the arcade again, this time, with Hotaru and Selena, Stella's twin sister. Sakura was surprised.

"Hotaru and I are both neighbors and Capricorn," Athena said. "Also, during the reign of the Silver and Golden Millenniums, Stella, as Sailor Midnight, talked to Hotaru in the past via mind-link. She said "Please,  Saturn. Spare the Silver Millennium for my cousin." and Saturn decided to use her powers to help protect the universe, therefore, altering the visions Haruka had as Sailor Uranus had in the past." Hotaru nodded.

"And, since Athena is a practicing Shinto priestess, she knew that when I called her via communicator, she knew something was wrong and came over. I told her that some darkness was inside of me and I didn't want ChibiUsa to get hurt, or Setsuna, since we were both super close to her.  The darkness inside me was Pharoah 90's partner, Mistress 9. Athena has  done some research on them and was surprised at this." Hotaru said. "She even helped Selena deal with Mistress 5." Selena nodded and smiled at her.

"There's also Pharoah 50 we have to deal with," Selena said. "He might want to destroy everything and everyone we hold dear to our hearts." Setsuna nodded at this.

"And, uh, Hotaru, just so you know, when you transform, the bows don't look good since purple and brown  are not complimentary colors. Same with Rei, Minako and Makoto over here." Makato rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Setsuna," Makato said, sticking out her tongue. "It's my costume, not yours." Setsuna sighed as she knew she wasn't going to get anywhere with Makato.
As the day wore on, the girls went to a jewelry place and look at some cool earrings and necklaces, but they also noticed that the sky was potshots black and started to get very nervous about what was going to happen.
"We might have to transform," Sakura said. "And fight our enemies." Haruka nodded in agreement.
As the everyone had finished transforming, they went to see what was going on and noticed that people were screaming in fear, thinking that it was the end of the world as they knew it. The scouts gulped.
"This is bad," Sailor Aurora said. "We need to save these people and make sure nothing bad happens." Sailor Saturn nodded in agreement as they saw the two pharaohs.
"You girls will never win!" The two pharaohs said. Sailor Saturn and Sailor Midnight looked at each other as each scout said their catchphrase.
"Be careful you two," Sailor Aurora said. "Anything could happen." Sailor Pluto nodded in agreement. 
Sailor Saturn and Sailor Midnight went up to the pharaohs and knew that the only way to stop them was to use their attacks.
The pharaohs were surprised by the amount of power that Sailor Saturn and Sailor Midnight have. Everyone else saw this.
"Pluto, Aurora, you girls know what to do," Sailor Cassiopeia said. Sailor Pluto and Sailor Aurora nodded as they aided their teammates.
"ChibiUsa, if you need a shoulder to cry on, go to me," Sailor Midnight said. "Also, it was awesome being your friend, Cherry." Sailor Saturn smiled at ChibiUsa.
"It was an honor being your friend," Sailor Saturn said to ChibiUsa. "And Super Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Sun, you probably know what to do as well."
The two of them nodded as they got ready, then  noticed that Midnight and Saturn went inside the pharaohs.
"Hopefully they'll be okay," Sailor Pluto said. "This might get intense." Sailor Aurora nodded at this and saw Super Sailor Sun and Super Sailor Moon turn into Neo Queen Serenity and Neo Queen Celeste.
"Wow...." Sailor Uranus said. "That was crazy." Sailor Neptune nodded in agreement with what she saw.

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