Act 1-Sakura-Sailor Sun

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"Princess Celeste, you are very courageous, just like Sailor Venus," said Sailor Earth. "You saved Sailor V's planet, and now she can manage to rule it.  You are, indeed, the hero everyone needs." Princess Celeste looked at Sailor Earth and smiled. She knew that it was one of her duties to keep the universe safe, and, even though she was a princess, all life needed to be saved. After she saved the people on Sailor V's planet, she knew that one day, she would become a well-respected hero. 

Sailor Universe nodded. "Man, I wish we would be like you." Sailor Universe said. "You always put your life at risk for others, out of the goodness of your heart. You even saved Sailor Mars, and she's also a guardian, from people attacking her. And Princess Serenity alongside the other guardians."  Princess Celeste kept blushing at the comments her friends were making. 

As Sakura woke up from her dream, she got ready for school and managed to get dressed and go downstairs. "Morning, mom!" Sakura said. 

"Morning, Sakura!" Mrs. Tokomoto said. "How was your dream?" Sakura smiled as she made her breakfast. 

"It was the same one," Sakura said. "This Princess Celeste was a hero of some, I wish I was like that. Heck, even Sailor Earth, who, according to what you and I know, is a lot like this girl, Sailor V, who is out fighting crime a lot, and I did some research and apparently, in the past, there was this girl, Sailor Mercury, who was the brains of Princess Serenity's Inner Senshi." Sakura finished making her breakfast and then said her prayer to the sun before she started eating. 

"Interesting," Mrs. Tokomoto said. "You're responsible, and definitely believe in standing up for what is right. I think I had a similar dream too. Instead, though, the princess was talking to her mother, and was worried about the fate of the solar system." Sakura nodded. 

"Maybe we can talk about it after school," Sakura said. "They might be connected somehow, and, call me crazy but we might've been the queen and princess." Mrs. Tokomoto nodded as Sakura headed out to school. 

As Sakura got to school, she was on time as the teacher wasn't there yet and had a feeling she'd do well as she was definitely known in her class for being one of the nerds besides Terra, another classmate of hers that was also in school. 

She put her homework on the teacher's desk and sat down in her desk, which was next to Terra, her fellow classmate. She wondered what they would be studying and was curious to find out. 

As the day wore on, Sakura was walking home from school and saw a black cat with a yellow star on it.

That cat looks like the one Princess Celeste had, Sakura thought. I'm not sure if I'm right or not, but if there's a chance that I'm the reincarnation of Princess Celeste, this cat could be mine. 

"Sakura, you look like the princess I'm looking for," Dawn said. "By any chance could you be her?" Sakura nodded. 

"I keep getting this weird dream of a girl named Princess Celeste being called a hero and saving everyone as well as the planet of Sailor V," Sakura said. "I'm not sure if they're memories or not but whatever they are, I want to be a superhero." Dawn nodded and gave Sakura a broach she would need in order to transform. Sakura knew that this would mean that she'd become a superhero and saw a lot of people screaming for help. 

"What do I have to say?" Sakura asked.

"You might want to say Sun Star Power, Makeup,"  Dawn said.  Sakura nodded. That sounded better, for some reason. 

"SUN STAR POWER, MAKE UP!" Sakura yelled and she saw an awesome transformation of herself.  Dawn also saw this.

"Wow, you look awesome," Dawn said. "I just saw your zodiac sign appear then you got a cool tiara. You're an Aries princess it seems like. It makes sense, since this girl named Rei Hino is also an Aries." Sailor Sun was surprised and amazed.

"Who are you?!" the enemy asked her. "What are you doing here?!" Sailor Sun rolled her eyes and looked at the enemy.

"You won't attack innocent civilians in front of me, whether I know them or not! I'm Sailor Sun, guardian of justice and life! In the name of the Sun, you shall burn!" Sailor Sun yelled. She saw Terra, the same girl from her class, and told her to get out of here, that she wanted her to be safe. 

Cole, Terra's cat, ran with Terra and got her to safety. It was going to be an interesting day that Terra and Sailor Sun would never forget. 

All of a sudden, she saw a metal phoenix attack her enemy, and looked at the person who assisted her.

"Tuxedo Phoenix....I remember you from the news." Sailor Sun said. "You assisted Sailor Earth without her even knowing it at first." Tuxedo Phoenix looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah," Tuxedo Phoenix said. "I did, and I think you might have an attack that can work on this enemy." Sailor Sun knew what he was talking about, but wanted to make sure, just in case.

"Something like Sun Tiara Boomerang?" Sailor Sun asked. Tuxedo Phoenix nodded as he looked at her. 

"Do it," Dawn said. "I believe in you." Sailor Sun got in position and shouted out her attack.  

"SUN TIARA BOOMERANG!" The enemy got hit and disappeared, and Sailor Sun looked at Tuxedo Phoenix. 

"Just so you know, I keep having the same dream about this princess being a hero, and after some research, I think I might've been her." Sailor Sun said.  Tuxedo Phoenix nodded.

"Ditto for me and Prince Ash!" Tuxedo Phoenix said. Sailor Sun detransformed and ended up smiling. 

"Hopefully we'll get to see each other again," Sakura said. "And if you think you can beat me in DDR, you're on." Tuxedo Phoenix laughed and left. 

As she got home and went to do her homework, she wondered if there was a chance that she might end up becoming a superhero for real. 

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