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(3 Months Later)

Luke’s POV

She’s about to slip through my fingers. No. I can’t let that happen. We have too much together to throw away. Why can’t she just see that?

I need to stop her. But how? The wedding is in less than an hour. There’s not enough time.

I can just picture her standing there in her beautiful wedding dress, Ashton walking her down the aisle and instead of Michael standing there waiting for her it’s me instead. I have Calum by my side along with my older brother’s Ben and Jack. Charlotte is walking down the aisle in front of Kiara and Ashton, throwing the gorgeous pink rose pet –

I’m pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. Calum so I answered it.

(L – Luke, C – Calum)

“Hello?” – L

“Hey man” – C

“What’s up?” – L

“Are you coming to the wedding?” – C

“No! Of course not” – L

“Why not? It’s your best friend that’s getting married today man, you should be there to support him” – C

“You’re forgetting something. I haven’t spoken to Michael since I left the hospital almost eight months ago and he is marrying the mother of my child who also happens to be the love of my life” – L

“Oh, sorry man. I didn’t know about that” – C

“Yeah I know” – L

“Wait…did you just say you love Kiara?” – C

“Yes Cal, I am in love with her” – L

“Well then why are you sitting on your ass at home. You need to get your ass down to this church and tell her before it’s too late” – C

“And what makes you think it’s going to make everything ok?” – L

“Because I know for a fact that she doesn’t love Michael as much as she loves you. look man, you’re running out of time. Just get here as soon as you can. It’s the church two blocks away from your house. Hurry” – C

“Fine” – L

“Oh and wear something nice, preferably a tux” – C

“Yeah ok. Thanks Cal” – L

I ended the call and ran to Ben’s room.

“Hey little bro. What brings her into my lair?” Ben questioned, looking up from his laptop.

“I need to borrow a tux” I rushed.

“What for?” he asked laughing. He knows that I hate wearing tux’s that’s why I don’t own any of my own.

“I have to stop a wedding but I need to wear something nice” I explained, causing Ben to give me a weird look. I just shrugged my shoulders and Ben laughed.

He got up from his seat and walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a black tux and a silver tie.

I grabbed my dressy shoes and ran out the door.

I ran all the way to the church, but that was a bad idea considering I arrived all sweaty. I shrugged it off and ran through the doors. I found Calum standing by Ashton outside the groom’s dressing room thing and walked over to them.

“Hey guys” I said panting.

“Luke? What happened?” Ashton asked.

“I just ran all the way from home to stop this wedding” I explained and they both smiled at me.

“Finally you regained your senses” Calum cheered, patting me on the back. I smiled but then frowned at the reason why I am here.

“Where’s Kiara?” I asked frantically.

“why?” Ashton asked.

“Umm, so I can stop this wedding. Duh” I answered sarcasticly.

“Maybe you should wait until the priest asks if any one objects to the marriage and then run through the doors and yell ‘I object’ like Shrek does in the movie” Ashton suggested while chuckling.

“That’s actually not a bad idea” Calum agrees.

“Yeah but guys, what if she doesn’t love me the way I love her. Then I’ll be embarrassed in front of a whole church full of people. Michael would hate me if I did that as well. Why can’t I just go to her now and tell her how I feel and try and convince her to call off the wedding?” I stated, gaining nods and grins from the guys.

I started walking down a long corridor when Calum called me back. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him.

“Her room is down there” he stated, pointing to a corridor in the other direction. I nodded my head and continued my mission to find her.

As I ran down the corridor, I called out her name. I ran up and down until she finally opened her door.

There she stood. Looking as stunning as ever.

Now’s my chance. 

Where's Daddy? // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now