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Luke’s POV

I seriously my mum said that to Kiara. And I can’t believe she used that sort of language in front of Charlotte. What is wrong with my mum. Can’t she see that Kiara doesn’t love me the way that I love her and we are – wait…did I just say that I love Kiara?

Oh my god! I love Kiara!

Oh but wait, she’s marrying my best friend. I sighed heavily and flopped onto my bed.

After a few seconds I heard a faint knocking on my bedroom door.

“Luke? Honey, can I come in?” it was my mum. Of course it was her.

“No! I don’t want to talk to you. Go away!” I yelled.

“Luke please, I want to apologise my behaviour” she pleaded. I sighed in defeat and let her in. she walked over to my bed and took a seat, whilst I walked over to my desk and sat in my chair. She just sat there in silence for a while and I was getting fed up.

“Are you going to talk or?” I asked in an annoyed tone.

“Look Luke, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise that you and Kiara had nothing. Today was the first time I had seen her in a few months. Every time she’s over and I see you two together, you are in each other’s arms and watching you’re angel in awe” she said looking me dead straight in the eyes. I just looked at the ground because just like my mum, I wanted something more between Kiara and I.

Why did Michael have to come in and screw everything up?

I felt so bad about what my mum did so I got in my car and drove to Kiara’s house. It’s been almost three hours since she left my house so surely she would be home by now.

As I reached their house, I was in luck. Kiara’s car was parked in the driveway and I could hear Charlotte having fun in the back yard.

I walked up the front door and knocked. Kiara opened the door after what felt like only two seconds and her face fell when she saw me.

“What do you want Luke?” she asked sounding annoyed.

“Kiara I just wanted to apologise for my mum’s behaviour earlier” I explained but her frown still didn’t move from her face.

“Thanks for driving all the way down here just to say sorry about your mum but I’m upset at you as well” she sighed.

“Why me? What did I do?” I asked.

“The fact that you never told your mum that you and me could never have anything more than a friendship Luke. You should have told your mum that what we had was as long as a one night fling. We didn’t even know each other yet we still had sex. Did you not explain any of this to your mother?” she yelled the last part. I just looked at her in shock.

She was right though. We never had anything and we could ever have anything.

“You’re right” was all I said looking at the floor.

“Do you want to come in and spend some time with Charlotte before Michael comes home tomorrow night?” Kiara questioned, trying to lift the mood a little, but I didn’t work. By her mentioning Michael made my blood boil.

I nodded my head and followed her inside. We ended up sitting in the hammock together watching Charlotte play in her cubby house.

This moment just felt so right. I looked down at Kiara and she looked up at me. Her eyes looked so beautiful as the sun hit them, making them sparkle more than usual. Her long brown hair was draped off of her shoulders and lay on her chest and stomach making her look more like an angel than she normally does.

I could resist the urge of kissing her so that’s exactly what I did.

I leaned down towards Kiara and she leaned up, bringing our faces close together. Soon our noses were touching and I could feel her warm breath hitting my neck, sending shivers up my spine.

Kiara was then the one to close all space between us, connecting our lips together for the first time in what seemed like years.


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