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(A/N: This chapter is dedicated to GeorgiaPayne02 because if it wasn't for her comment on Chapter Nine, then i would have forgotten to update today. 

This is an intense chapter as some may say so please read and i hope you enjoy!)


Kiara’s POV

As soon as Troye opened the door, I was engulfed into a big bear hug.

“KiKi! Girl I thought you weren’t gonna be home for ages!” he exclaimed. I just stood there and started laughing.

“Troye I was only gone for 4 hours. Why are you so happy to see me?” I asked, placing my shopping bags on the dining table.

“I was so bored!” he whined. “And…we were meant to film my next video” he said, making a pouty face.

“Oh shoot! Sorry Troye. Tomorrow, I promise” I said, following Charlotte around the house like her shadow.

“Yeah ok” he said, walking back into his room. Hmm must on be on his man period again.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a cheese toastie because I was absolutely famished. Who knew that shopping for 4 hours straight with a baby and a friend would be so straining? Haha not me, that’s for sure.

After my stomach was satisfied, I decided that I would go and have a sleep because I was tired. I plonked down on the couch, draping the blanket over me and letting sleep take over my body.

*             *             *

I was woken by my phone ringing. I picked it up off the coffee table and looked at the caller ID. Luke. I just ignored it because I didn’t want to talk to him. Surprisingly, today was the first day he has tried to contact me after I left Sydney, 5 days ago.

I didn’t want to talk to him, especially not now when I have to start getting ready for LA and Vidcon.

Living with Troye and Tyde was fun. I wish it could stay like this forever, but sadly, it can’t.

Troye, Charlotte and I leave for LA tomorrow and I am so excited. I finally get to meet Tyler after hearing so much about him. I haven’t even met the guy and I already ship TROYLER.

I am going to be so bored on the plane though. Troye was siting a few rows behind me, since I got my ticket a couple months after he did, and Charlotte is most likely going to be sitting with Troye so I’m going to be all alone. Oh well.

I got off the couch and walked to my room. Most of mine and Charlotte’s things were still in suitcases because we only got here less than a week ago, so packing was easy.

Once everything was packed, I decided it was time to take a shower and then maybe go for a walk.

The feeling of the hot water hitting my bare shoulders and then running down my body to the floor was so calming and peaceful. It almost cleared all my thoughts of him and everything else in life.

As soon as the water was shut off, I was brought back to cold, harsh reality. I really just wanted Vidcon to come so that I could just forget about everything. That’s all I needed right now.

I got dressed and put my hair up into a high pony tail before checking up on Charlotte.

“Hey baby girl, how are you?” I asked as I sat beside her on the couch.

“Mummy look!” she squealed in excitement. She was watching Banana’s in Pyjamas.

“Ok, I’m going out for a bit so be good for Tyde please” I commanded and she nodded her head. I planted a kiss on her forehead before walking to Tyde’s room.

Where's Daddy? // Luke HemmingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant