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(1 week later)

Michael’s POV

It’s been a week since I proposed and I am already starting to move in with my two favourite girls in the world.

Today I was just moving in my video games and consoles and then everything I owned was in the house.

I put the last of my video games into the cardboard box with my Xbox and closed it before writing ‘fragile’ on the top of the box.

 I carried the box out to my car and carefully placed it in the backseat along with the last of my clothes and bathroom necessities. I hopped in the driver’s seat and my car roared to life.

As I drove down the road and out of my street, I started thinking.

Is everything moving too fast? Should Kiara and I be getting married at such a young age? How are to boys going to react when they receive their invitations to the wedding? Will Kiara want Luke to be invited to the wedding? How will Luke react when he finds out about this?

As I pulled into Kiara’s driveway, I pushed all of my questions to the back of my head and walked up to the door and let myself in with Kiara’s spare key.

“Mikey is that you?” I heard Kiara call from upstairs.

“Yeah babe it’s me” I replied while making my way up to her.

I could hear Kiara’s soft singing as I neared Charlotte’s bedroom and listened in awe. How did I get so lucky?

I decided that it would be a good idea if I didn’t go into Charlotte’s room just in case Kiara was trying to put Charlotte to bed, so I walked into my new room (mine and Kiara’s) and plugged my phone into charge. I sat on the edge of the bed and started thinking about how I could tell the guys and then my fans that I’m getting married and becoming a step-dad. Then it hit me…light bulb!


Kiara’s POV

I was trying to put Charlotte to bed when I heard the front door open and then close.

“Mikey is that you?” I called.

“Yeah babe it’s me” I heard a faint reply. Ok, at least we aren’t getting robbed.

I could hear footsteps up the stairs and I prayed that Michael wouldn’t come in because the Charlotte wouldn’t sleep. I let out a breath of air that I didn’t even know I was holding when I heard Michael walk into our room. I carefully placed Charlotte in her cot and top-toed out of her room.

I made my way back into my room and found Michael sitting on the edge of the bed staring into space. I walked over to him and sat beside him.

“I’m going out for a but with Annabelle so can you look after Charlotte?” I asked. Michael nodded his head and I left the room, grabbing my handbag and phone on the way out.

*             *             *

“Kiara!” I heard my name being shouted through the Starbucks that I had just walked in.

I turned my head to the left and spotted Annabelle in the back corner with Wesley. I thought it was just meant to be a girl’s day today? Maybe not…

I walked over to the couple and took a seat.

“Hey guys” I greeted.

“Hey Kiara, sorry that Wesley’s here, he wanted to tag along until he has to pick up his brother from the airport” Annabelle explained.

Where's Daddy? // Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora