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Luke’s POV

Kiara where the hell are you?

Michael and I have spent the last three days looking everywhere in Sydney for Kiara and Charlotte. We have been to every hotel, motel, Caravan Park, absolutely everywhere asking everyone we walk past if they know Kiara or have any idea about her whereabouts but we have failed. I can’t do this! I can’t live without Kiara and Charlotte. There is c chance that Charlotte is my daughter and yet I can’t see her and I have no idea where she is. Then I remembered…the DNA test.

The day after I found the note and everything in Kiara’s house, I was meant to go and get a DNA test done but we had band practise and Meet&Greets so I didn’t have any time. I should have done it yesterday but I was too busy searching for Kiara and Charlotte.

It’s now 9:30PM and Ashton just left. He came over for a few hours to cheer me up and keep me company since Michael had to go home after our long day of searching. I was currently sitting on my bed watching reruns of How I Met My Mother to take my mind off things but it wasn’t working.

Maybe I should just sleep and worry about it tomorrow? So that’s exactly what I did.

*             *             *

I woke up this morning with a headache so I stayed in bed until late in the afternoon. Then I remembered that I wanted to get the DNA test done today so that I could find out the truth. I texted Kiara telling her that I was going to get it done but I got no response, just like it has been for the past three days.

I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple to eat in the car before I grabbed my phone, Charlotte’s swab of DNA and my keys from the kitchen bench and exited my house, locking the front door behind me.

I hoped in my car and roared it to life. As I was driving, I was belting out the lyrics to Heartbreak Girl that was on the radio.

Hold you tight straight through the daylight,                                                                                                 I’m right here. When you gonna realize                                                                                                         that I’m your cure, heartbreak girl?

I bite my tongue, but I wanna scream out                                                                                                      you could be with me now                                                                                                                                 but I end up telling you what you wanna hear,                                                                                              but you’re not ready, and it’s so frustrating                                                                                                     he treats you so bad and I’m so good to you, it’s not fair.

Bye the time the song was over; I had arrived at the Bondi Junction where the DNA Bioservices was located. This is where I was going to get the paternal test done.

I walked in tower 1 and made my way to the front desk.

“Hello, I would like to get a paternal test done please?” I said, holding up the bag the contained Charlotte’s DNA.

“Ahh yes, but first you must fill out some forms” the lady, her name tag read Lucy, said handing me several forms and showing me where I needed to sign and what I needed to fill out. I said thank you and walked over to the chairs in the far left corner of the room and took a seat. I grasped the pen that was attached to the clipboard in my hand and started filling out the forms.

After a very long 5 minutes, all the forms were completed so I walked back over to the front desk and handed them to Lucy.

“Thank you. The tests are done on level 23. Once you get up there, there will be another desk and you can ask for directions to the room” she smiled. I said thank you once again and headed towards the lifts.

Once I was in the lift, I clicked on the level 23 button and waited patiently for the lift to start moving.

As soon as the lift stopped, I could feel by heart beat quicken and I started to feel light headed. This is it. It’s now or never.

I walked over to the front desk and told them why I was here.

“Ok, so just go down that corridor and you should come to a big room. That is where all of the paternity tests are done. There should be someone there so do your tests” she instructed before going back to her computer.

“Thank you” I replied before walking off.

I got to the end of the corridor and there was someone there waiting for me.

“Hey” I greeted.

“Hello sir, are you ready?” he asked and I nodded my head.

I sat down on the chair and got a sample of my saliva taken from my mouth. I handed him the bag containing Charlotte’s saliva before exiting the room and walking down the corridor.

I hopped in the lift and went to the first floor, before leaving the building and making my way to my car. I got in the driver’s seat and took off down the busy main road, turning left and right before I ended up in front of my house.

I got home and was absolutely exhausted. I don’t know why, considering it hasn’t even been a whole 7 hours since I woke up. I trudged up the stairs and stumbled into my room, collapsing on my bed. That’s how I fell asleep.


Troye’s POV

“…and I’ll see you guys…next week! Byyyyyyeeeeeee!!!” I winked, finishing off my video.

Today was Saturday and I was home alone. Tyde was out with his friends and my mum was working. Kiara was meant to film a video with me today but she bumped into one of her old friends from primary school at the airport on Thursday so they went to catch up before we went to LA.

I must admit, I was feeling really lonely and the house was so quiet and it was driving me crazy. I’m not used to this! I pulled out my phone and messaged Kiara.

To: KiKi

Hey cuz, just wandering how long until you’re gonna be home?

Troye :P

I put my phone back in my pocket and started editing my video.

*             *             *

After about 20 minutes of editing, I was feeling pretty hungry and it was only 3:30PM. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a packet of salt and vinegar chips. I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and made my way back to my room.

I was just about to open my chips when I got a call from an Unknown number so I decided to just ignore it.

I started stuffing my face with chips when I heard a knock at the door. I stumbled to the door and swung it open.

“KiKi! Girl I thought you weren’t gonna be home for ages!” I exclaimed, engulfing her in a hug.

Charlotte just stood there laughing at my cheeriness.


Where's Daddy? // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now