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Kiara's POV

Luke and Charlotte had just left for rehearsals so I was home alone. I decided that I would clean the house a little bit so I started in the kitchen.

After about 20 minutes of cleaning the stove, sink and washing the dishes, I heard the doorbell ring.

I walked over to the front door and opened it. There was no one there. Just as I was about to close the door, I caught glimpse of something on the floor so I bent down and picked it up.

It was an envelope with a red rose taped to it. On the envelope it read Dearest Kiara...

It was probably from Luke so I decided to just put it on my bed and read it later.

I went into the kitchen and realised that we didn't have any food. I decided that now would be a good time to go grocery shopping so I put my shoes on, grabbed my phone and keys and left the house.

* * *

When I got back home I could hear Charlotte laughing, meaning her and Luke were home. I walked into the kitchen and placed the many bags of food on the counter.

"Hi mummy" Charlotte greeted as she came into the room.

"Hi sweetie, how was practise?" I asked. I hope Michael and Luke got along fine.

"It was very fun. Uncle Calum gave me ice cream and then he dropped his on the floor and I watched daddy play the guitar and he is really good. He said that he would teach me to be good like him one day" she smiled. She is just so adorable.

"Kiara!" Luke called from upstairs. I put away the last of the shopping and went up to him.

"Hey honey, what's up?" I asked. He was just starring at the envelope and rose. What's going on?

"Who is this from?" he asked sternly.

"I honestly have no idea, I thought it was from you" I simply shrugged.

"Well it's not. Open the damn thing and find out who it's from" he demanded. What has gotten into him?

I didn't say anything, instead I walked over the bed and picked up the letter. I ripped open the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper.

Dearest Kiara,

I'm back. I bet you never thought you would see me again, huh? Well you thought wrong.

I've been let out of jail and now I coming back for you. I want you back and there is nothing you can do that will stop me.

I love you babe.

Jake xxx

I froze in my spot and dropped the letter.

No! He can't be out of jail. Not yet. He's meant to be in there for another 5 years. Why did they let him out early?


(yes i know this cahpter is short but some of you wanted to know who the letter was from so i put up this chapter just to let you guys know. the next chapters will have a new character, Jake and you will find out a bit about him in chapter 30. 10+ votes for the next chapter. MUCH LOVE <3 <3 <3)

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