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Kiara’s POV

I was woken up by really loud coughs and crying. I jumped out of bed and ran to Charlotte’s room.

“Honey what’s wrong?” I asked, holding her in my arms.

She didn’t say anything, instead she just pointed to her throat before having another coughing fit. It was 1:03AM and Charlotte’s coughs were becoming louder and much more frequent. I didn’t know what to do so I did the only thing I could think of and drove her to the hospital.

As soon as the car was parked I raced to the reception desk with Charlotte having another couching fit in my arms.

“Hello, what’s the problem?” the reception lady asked.

“Um hi, my daughter has been constantly coughing for the past week and I have already seen a doctor and he has given her medication but she isn’t getting better. She is just getting worse. She keeps having coughing fits and wakes up every two hours from her sleep because of a saw throat. I don’t know what to do” I said in one quick breath.

“Can I ask what medication she is taking?” he questioned.

“Nurofen for children and panadol” I replied.

“What’s your daughter’s name?” she asked, jotting notes down on her notepad.

“Charlotte Brookes” I replied.

“Ok please go take a seat in the waiting room and a doctor will come and assist you shortly” and with that I walked away and took a seat in the waiting room.

After waiting for almost 25 minutes, a doctor came into the room holding a clipboard.

“Charlotte Brookes” he called. I immedianlty stood up and walked over to him.

“Y-yes” I stuttered.

“It appears that your daughter has enlarged tonsils, which is preventing her from breathing properly and that is why she is always tired and coughing” he said, reading the noted off of his clipboard.

“Oh” was all I said. I was still trying to process everything he was saying.

“It is very critical that we so surgery to remove the tonsils. How old is she?” he asked.

“T-two” I stuttered. My baby can’t have a surgery. What the hell is going on?

“Ok. So when is the best time for this surgery?” I asked, tears brimming in my eyes.

“Right now” was all he said. My breathing hitched in my throat and I felt the tears slowly rolling down my face. I nodded my head and walked over to the nurse that was currently holding Charlotte.

“Be strong baby girl. I’ll be right here waiting for you when everything is over” I said still crying.

“I’ll miss you mummy” she said, a tear rolling down her face.

“It’s ok baby, they are going to help you get better, I promise” and with that I gave her a hug before walking out of the waiting room and outside. No, I didn’t just leave my two year old baby in there with the doctor and nurse, I just need air and time to process what just happened.

I did the first thing that came to my mind, I rang Michael.

“Hello?” he asked.

“Michael I need you!” I whispered, tears still spilling from my eyes.

“What’s wrong? What happened? Where are you?” he panicked.

“I’ll explain everything when you’re here, just hurry! I’m at the hospital” I cried before hanging up.

I walked back inside the hospital to fill out the surgical forms. Once they were all done and everything was signed I went back outside and bawled my eyes out whilst I waited for Michael.

After only 30 seconds Michael parked his car and ran over to where I was in the corner sitting on the floor with my knees up to my chest and my head in between my legs. He wasn’t alone though, he was with Ashton.

“Shit! Kiara what happened? Where’s Charlotte?” Ashton asked as he sat down beside me.

“C-charlotte is about to have surgery” was all I managed to choke out before I started crying again.

“What?! Why is she having surgery?” Michael asked.

“S-she has enlarged tonsils that need to be taken out” was all I said. I buried my head in my hands and continued to cry.

My poor baby girl. How is she going to get through this?

*             *             *            

1 hour passed and we had heard nothing about Charlotte.

*             *             *

2 hours passed and still nothing.

*             *             *

3 hours passed and there was still no information about my daughter. I had officially had enough.

I got up off the floor and woke up a sleeping Michael before Ashton and I made our way to the reception deck in the children’s ward.

“Um excuse me, but I’m Kiara Brookes and I was wandering if you had any information about my daughter?” I asked, trying to act calm. I was actually furious right now and was about to punch a wall.

“Oh um Charlotte?” she asked.

“Yes. Is the surgery all done?” I asked, getting impatient.

“Yes, the surgery concluded almost an hour and a half ago” she said, reading the information off her laptop.

“WHAT?! And no one bothered to come and tell me?!” I yelled. I was beyond pissed now and I could hear Ashton behind me trying to calm me down.

“Shut up Ash! Don’t try and calm me down. If this was your daughter then you would be in the exact same position!” I yelled, walking out of the hospital once again. A nurse came running after me with a glass of water for me to calm down. She handed it to Ashton and he threw it straight at my face. That’s when I broke down in tears again.

“Take me to my daughter” I commanded to the nurse. She nodded her head before walking back into the hospital. I followed her with Ashton and Michael trailing close behind.

As we walked down the corridors I saw the birthing rooms, the incubators for the new born babies and the surgery rooms.

“Uh, here we are” the nurse said, stopping in her tracks. I nodded and slowly walked into the room. Tears formed in my eyes when I saw the sight in front of me.


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