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Kiara’s POV

I was sitting in my chair next to Luke’s bed, humming along to the soft music that was playing through my headphones. It was currently 12:34PM and I was bored out of my brains. A whole week has gone by since the doctors have told me anything about Luke’s progress. They said that they didn’t even know themselves what is going on with Luke.

That made me burst into tears.

I was literally crying every day I’m surprised I’ve had enough tears in my body.

My left hand was placed over Luke’s right hand and I was playing with his soft fingers. I couldn’t believe how much bigger Luke’s fingers were compared to mine. It astonished me.

I looked over at his heart monitor and his heart beat wasn’t as fast as usual. Oh well, I shrugged it off.

Then I heard a noise.


I burst into tears right there and then. No, no, no! This can’t be happening!!

I rose from my chair and hovered over Luke’s now dead body. I placed my hand on his shoulders and started shaking him, trying to bring some life back into him.

When I got no response, I ran out of his room and called a doctor.

Several doctors came rushing in and soon I was kicked out. I sat in the waiting room chairs, praying to God that the doctors could perform a miracle and bring him back.

I sat in the chair for what felt like a million years and I still hadn’t heard anything.

Then out of nowhere, a nurse came over to me and started shaking my shoulders, just as I previously was doing to Luke.

“Wake up!” the nurse yelled in my face.


My eyes opened and I was in my chair next to Luke’s bed. I looked over the heart monitor and Luke’s heartbeat was at a steady pace, not too slow, not too fast. I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding and tried to calm myself down.

I can’t believe I just dreamt that. What has gotten into me? Luke isn’t going to die. He can’t die! I need him!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone lit up, playing my ringtone and flashing Michael’s name on the screen.

I picked up my phone and slid my finger across the screen to answer the call.

“Hey baby” I answered.

“Don’t ‘hey baby’ me!” Michael shouted through the phone.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, my mood had suddenly changed from sadness to frustration in a matter of seconds.

“You know exactly what’s wrong! Just come home. I’ll talk to you when you get here!” hedemanded before hanging up the phone. I sighed and rose from my seat, lightly kissing Luke’s cheek and forehead before exiting his hospital room.

*             *             *

I had just pulled up into our driveway and frankly, I was scared to step foot in my own home. Who knows what Michael has coming my way.

I got out of my car before locking it making my way to the front door, letting myself in.

“I’m home!” I called through the house.


Hmmm, I wander where they are.

I walked into the kitchen and found Michael furiously raiding the cupboards for food and Charlotte sitting on the floor looking as pale as ever.

“Michael what the hell is wrong?” I raised my voice, gaining the attention of the both of them.

“I seriously cannot believe you! Charlotte has been vomiting all day and has been screaming your name all day long! But you wouldn’t care, you’re too busy sitting by Luke’s lifeless body all day every day! Have you even thought about how I feel towards all of this? I mean, after all we are engaged, yet you seem to be spending more time with a dead guy then with your own fiancé!” Michael shouted at me.

“Excuse me you fucking psychopath. I have been sitting by ‘your’ best friend this entire time, not mine, yours! I’m there more than you are. Do you know how bad that makes you look? He has been in that hospital for 42 days and you have only gone to see him seven times, pathetic if you ask me. And I can’t believe you have given up faith in Luke! He is strong and he will pull through. I’ also there with him because he is Charlotte’s father and I feel like I can talk to him without being judged!” I spat back. I was more that furious and Michael knew it.

“I’m going out, don’t wait up for me” and with that he left the house.

What the fuck just happened?


(A/n: i know that the last few chapters have been short, boring and sad but i promise you that they are going to get better very soon! Much love <3 <3)

Where's Daddy? // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now