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Kiara’s POV 

I slowly walked into Charlotte’s hospital room and tears instantly formed in my eyes when I saw the sight in front of me.

“Luke?” I asked in disbelief.

“Oh uh…h-hey Kiara” he said, getting up from his seat next to Charlotte’s bed.

“H-how long have you been in here?” I asked.

“Almost 20 minutes. I was surprised when I entered the room and noticed that you weren’t in here” he said worried.

“Oh well the nurses didn’t even bother notifying me that MY daughter’s surgery was finished. How may I ask did they let you through?” I questioned.

“Um I told the lady at the desk that I was her father” he said rubbing the back of his neck.

“And how did you know she was in here?” I asked.

“Michael messaged me and I came as soon as possible but waited in the waiting room right next to the surgery rooms” he explained. I nodded and walked over to Charlotte. I grabbed her tiny little hand in mine and placed a light kiss on the back of it.

“She’s beautiful” Luke said, walking up behind me.

“Yeah she really is” I replied.

“Her dad is so lucky to have a daughter like her” he exclaimed.

“Y-yeah” I stuttered.

“Look, I know that you’ve been trying to ignore me lately and I’m sorry for coming into your life and disturbing you but I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere. I know you have Michael’s help but Charlotte is better off with a mature male figure around so I’m here to stay” he stated. I sighed and nodded my head.

Although I didn’t want him around, Luke was 100% right. Charlotte needs a mature male figure around and she isn’t going to get that from Michael. Who am I kidding? Michael is more of a baby than Charlotte is.

I walked over to the window and looked out at the city below us. I smiled slightly at the scenery. It was absolutely beautiful. The greenery from the park across the road was stunning and really helped lighten my mood.

“Um have the doctors come in and said anything to you about my daughter?” I asked, turning around to face Luke.

“Yeah, they said that she could be asleep for two days. It depends when the drug wear’s off” he said, trying to avoid eye contact.

“What drug?” I mumbled. 

“The drug that made her fall asleep” he replied.

“were you waiting long for her to come out of surgery?” I questioned.

“Only 15 minutes”

“I’m hungry so I’m gonna go down to the café to get food” I stated.

“Ok” was all he said.

“Do you want anything?” I asked.


“What kind?” I asked.

“Just a normal cappuccino” he answered.

“ok well I’ll be back soon. Ring me if the doctors come in” I demanded before exiting the room.

As I made my way to the lift I thought about my earlier conversation with Luke. did he really care that much about Charlotte? Was he just doing this as a publicity stunt for the band? How does he feel about me? Am I going to be seeing a lot more of him? I was so confused and needed time to think.

I made my way over to the café and ordered the drink’s. as I walked back into my room I noticed that Charlotte was still peacefully sleeping but Luke was nowhere to be seen. I decided to message him and let him know that his coffee was here and going cold.

I sat down in the seat next to the hospital bed and slowly sipped on my hot coffee. By this time it was 4:00PM and I was in desperate need of a shower. I messaged Michael who was also roaming around the hospital somewhere to come and look after Charlotte whilst I went home and showered.

I waited only 5 short minutes for Michael to come up to Charlotte’s hospital room before leaving and heading home.

*             *             *

Once I made it home I quickly walked to my bathroom and stripped off before hopping under the hot water. The hot water travelled out of the shower head and onto my shoulders before making its way down my back and stomach then running down my legs and then down the drain.

I quickly hopped out of the shower after washing my hair and body. I wrapped my body in my towel and walked into my bedroom and put on the clothes that were on my bed from a few days ago.

As soon as I was dressed I raced back down to my car and drove back to the hospital.

Just as I was about to walk into charlotte’s room, I heard murmurs from inside. I think they could possibly be Michael and Luke, maybe even Ashton? I decided not to interrupt their conversation so I walked back to the front desk and asked if there was any news about Charlotte.

“Oh yes. The doctor who performed the surgery said she must stay in the hospital for at least four days whilst her throat heals” the old lady explained. I nodded and thanked her before walking back towards Charlotte’s room.

I knocked on the door before entering and then walked over to the chair by the window, waving and muttering a hello to the three boys that were currently seated around the room in deep conversation.

“Ok well I think Ashton and I are gonna get going now. Is that alright Kiara?” Michael questioned.

“Yeah that’s fine” I mumbled.

Ok well see ya” Ashton said before leaving the room.

“She has to say in here for another four days” I told Luke, pointing at Charlotte who was still sleeping.

“It will all be ok. I’m not leaving this room at all for the next four days” Luke replied.

“No Luke, you can’t stay here the whole time. You have a life, a family, the band!” I argued.

“I don’t care. You and Charlotte are the most important things in my life right now” he argued back. After he said that I gave in and nodded my head and sighed in defeat.

*             *             *

(Four days later)

We just arrived back home from the hospital and charlotte is feeling much better. She is also eating a lot which is very good compared to the small amount of food she was eating the couple days before she went into hospital.

Luke was serious about not leaving the hospital and was there every second of everyday. Charlotte’s room had its own bathroom so we used that shower every morning. I slept on the couch that was tucked away in one corner of the room whilst Luke slept on a blow up mattress on the floor next to the couch. We had quite some fun and learnt an awful lot about each other.

I hate to admit it but I think I’m starting to get feelings for Luke and I’m getting pretty scared about it. It’s confusing me and I don’t like it.


Where's Daddy? // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now