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(4 Months Later)

“Hurry up Charlotte!” I called through the house. Of all days for her to play out in the mud, of course it’s today. The day that me and Annabelle decide to go shopping for my wedding dress is also the same day that Charlotte had scheduled as ‘jump in the mud day and get really muddy and make mummy late for her shopping plans with Annabelle’. Note the sarcasm.

Ever since Michael left for the three week vacation with Ashton, all Charlotte has done is be naughty. She makes me run late for everything and constantly screams at night because she wants me to have a hard time putting her to bed. I am seriously getting fed up with her nonsense.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Charlotte came running into the lounge room with her shoes already on.

“Good girl” was all I said before grabbing her hand and running out the door.

We pulled into Luke’s driveway and Charlotte started squealing with excitement.

“Yay! I get to see daddy!” she exclaimed.

“You’re staying here tonight as well” I smiled whilst turning my head to face her. as soon as I said that she was already trying to open the car door.

I hopped out of the car and was about to close my door when I noticed Charlotte climbing over the centre console and out of my door. I stared at her and she just giggled, causing me to smile as well.

We walked up to Luke’s front door and Liz; Luke’s mum welcomed us in.

“Hello girls” Liz exclaimed when she pulled us both in for a hug.

“Hey Liz, I’m just dropping Charlotte off. I’m meeting a friend because I am going shopping for my wedding dress” I explained and Liz looked at me as if I had three heads.

“Your wedding dress? You and Luke are getting married?” she exclaimed, a frown sitting upon her face.

Before I could say anything, Liz had called Luke down from his room.

Luke came walking in with a confused expression on his face. I just shrugged my shoulders.

“Luke, care to explain why you haven’t bothered to tell me about your engagement yet?” Liz raised her voice. My eyes widened when I suddenly realised what she was on about.

“W-what are you talking about?” Luke asked, having no clue in the world about what his mother was talking about.

“Why did you never tell me that you and Kiara are getting married?” Liz repeated herself, getting frustrated that she wasn’t getting any answers.

“Mum, me and Kiara aren’t getting married” Luke replied, desperation evident in his voice.

“Then why is Kiara wearing an engagement ring and going dress shopping today?” she asked, clearly fed up with the both of us.

“Because she’s getting married mum, why else would she be wearing a ring and going dress shopping?” Luke spoke with sarcasm in his voice.

Liz turned to me wide eyed.

“Kiara, may I ask who you’re marrying?” she demanded. She isn’t acting really bitchy.

“M-Michael” I stuttered out, afraid of her reaction.

“You’re marrying Michael?” she exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. Someone isn’t happy about the news.

I simply just nodded.

“I honestly can’t believe you Kiara. First you sleep with my son and have his child, then you are bloody marrying his best friend. What kind of skank are you?” she yelled at me.

I didn’t know what to do in that exact moment and I can’t believe Charlotte had to witness all of that, considering she is still in my arms.

I couldn’t help but let a tear slip at Liz’s hurtful words. I turned to look at Luke but he was looking down at the floor, probably ashamed of his daughter’s mother. I simply nodded my head in understandment at Luke’s behaviour and left the house, Charlotte still in my arms.

No way in hell was I leaving my daughter in that house while Luke’s being all sad and depressed and Liz is acting like a psychotic freak.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road, tears falling as I made my way to the dress shop.


(A/N: hey guys, so i just thought that i should let you know that this is just a fan fiction, it's all made up and the way that i described Liz's attitude and behaviour in this chapter is completely made up so dont think that she is actually a spychotic freak. haha. ok that's all. i hope you all liked this chapter) 

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