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Log #732

The repairs to my ship have finally been completed. After waiting all these god forsaken years for my ship to be brought back to operable conditions, as well as giving it an upgrade, I can finally head back to the others.
From what I have heard, there seems to be plenty of new ships back at port, as well as a new "mother" who watches them as if they were all children...bah! What does she know?!


All these years, they went by fast, now my girls are all grown up. Bismarck took my reins as Ironblood's leader and flagship, I can only hope she knows I'm proud of her!

Well, it's time for me to go and see them again...

Bismarck, Roon, Prinz, Zeppelin, Z23, and Spee

My girls...

Mommas coming home

                                  -End Log-
We arrive at an office, it is decorated plainly, simple and efficient, same as the woman who uses it, Bismarck.

Speaking of her, she's sitting at the desk, slogging away at the paperwork she need to deal with, nearly done with it as well.

Bismarck: *sigh* This is so did mom do this so easily?

Finishing off the last bit, she stood up and stretched, hearing a few pops and feeling her body unwind from the torment.


Bismarck: Come in!

Opening the door reveals Z23, giving Bismarck a salute, who then returns it.

Z23: Lord Bismarck, I have something urgent to tell you

Bismarck: That being?

Z23: We have picked up a signal of a ship heading for our base, we don't know if it's Azur Lane or not yet, but we do know one thing, It's huge

Bismarck: How big?

Z23: Bigger than..."mother"

Both women cringe at that word, even with her insistence, they will never truly see Friedrich as their mother, she didn't even come close to the greatness of their mother.

Bismarck: This might be a problem then...gather the others at port and be prepared for a fight, I'll head down as well to make sure things go smoothly

Z23: Understood
A few minutes pass, nearly every ship on base is at the dock, ready to meet and examine this unknown entity, several have their guns trained in that direction, aiming towards the mist that has settled over the horizon, the setting sun poking through the cloud.

Bismarck, being the Flagship, is the first to hit the water, followed by Zeppelin, Roon, and Prinz Eugen, ready to fight the attacker head on if needed.

Prinz: So, who do you think this is? Someone new to the other side?

Bismarck: It is a possibility, but we won't know until we make radio or visual contact

Roon: Well my radar is going off, they're approaching slowly...permission to move ahead?

Bismarck: Granted

Roon: Perfect, if they try anything funny I'll be right there to tear them in half

Room moved forward into the mist to scout ahead, a silent order and Prinz also moved into the mist, silence over took the area, Bismarck's own radar picked up the three individuals, when she realized something.

Bismarck: Nimi, do you see what I'm seeing?

Z23: I think so

Zeppelin: As do I

On their radars, all three dots are in one space, almost completely overlapping each other,  soon, the two dots that represent Prinz and Roon come apart and make their way back to the fleet.

Bismarck: What are they doing?

Slowly the two come out from the mist, most of the ships look towards them and gaze in complete shock.

Prinz and Roon were bawling their eyes out.

Bismarck: You two! What happened in there?! were you attacked?!

Prinz: N-no...but so-something better hap-pend

Roon: I can't believe I-it...

While the two were being observed, Z23 noticed the dot moving again, coming towards them.

Z23: Everyone! The person's coming closer! Get ready!

The ships get into battle stances, ready to attack whoever dared to enter Ironblood waters. The only ones not readying up were the two crying cruisers, who looked back to the mist and were smiling.

Slowly, a figure came out of the mist, the first thing the Ironblood girls saw was the massive rigging, the two sharks on the rigging were just like Friedrich's, only larger, and there was two small metal serpents on top of the rig, flowing freely through the air like gravity never existed.

From there, the figure slowly came out of the fog, her riggings were a metallic silver in color, with a red painted stripe coating the bottom of the sharks, very similar to Bismarck's color pattern. The guns on the sharks and along the rigging were massive, all the largest guns were 18 inch, and the serpents carried some of the secondaries on their body, as well as anti aircraft inside their mouths.

The person themselves finally stepped out of the mist, clad in full plate armor, covering form their toes all the way to their neck, on each of their shoulders was a secondary gun, most likely for close range engagements.

The figures face came from the mist, wearing a metallic bird like face mask that covered her nose and mouth, her eyes and overall face shape look very familiar...

Gneisenau: Umm, Lord Bismarck? Did you have a twin sister besides Tirpitz?...Lord Bismarck?

She looked to Bismarck and saw her staring at the figure with wide open eyes, her mouth was hanging open and she was shaking slightly.

Soon enough, she started to cry too, and she wasn't the only one.

Zeppelin, Z23, and Spee are also tearing up.

The other girls were shocked to see even Zeppelin showing such emotion, as everyone knew that she pretty much hated everything.

Before any words were uttered, Bismarck slowly made her way forward, followed by the others, the 6 crying ships slowly picked up speed and soon were heading at full speed towards the woman, who stood there, Halberd in hand, before tossing it to the serpents, who retracted and held the weapon on her back securely.

The girls still in port were scared for what they were doing, some were ready to attack, others silently praying that they don't die, only watching as they got closer to the woman.

Finally, before they all reached the massive woman, they opened their mouths, and all shouted a single word that shook every girl to the core, a word that would echo in their minds for eternity.


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