Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Nɪɴᴇ

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It all started with a stolen key.

                The scene was still left with Niall staring blankly out the window, Harry speaking to him and receiving no other answer then just a few various mumbles. Harry had enough of it, and he decided to pull out the secret he kept secluded in his pocket.

 The jangle of a full key chain finally caught Niall’s attention, and he swerved his head over towards his friend, whose lips curved tightly into a mischievous grin. The silver metal shimmered in the beam of the light above, reflecting itself in Niall’s ashen blue eyes.

                “Get your coat.” Harry told him.

                “What for?” Niall immediately asked.

                “You’ll find out soon enough.”

                “Whose is that?” Niall asked, and Harry raised an eyebrow.


                “The keys! Whose keys are those?”

                “Oh, they are Louis’s.” Harry replied, biting his lip to keep his smile from revealing his eagerness, “Come one, let’s get going or we’ll be late for the train.” He waved his arms about, motioning towards the front door.

                “Train? To where?”

                “I already told: you’ll find out later.” Harry said, “I promise it’s nothing too dangerous.” Niall heaved a long sigh.

                “But Harry-,”

                “You might want to pack a lunch. It’s a while away.”

                “Harry please-,”

                “It’ll be just like the old times.”

                Now that was enough for Niall to get his butt out the door.

                Yanking his coat off the rack and throwing a rucksack around his shoulder, he followed Harry who was already on his way downstairs, his footsteps creating creaking echoes that traveled with him. He called out to him, shouting ‘wait up!’ multiple times but always got the same response.

                “Don’t have the time, mate! Places to go, people to see! Hurry up!”

                With every step, Harry’s euphoria grew. The fact that he convinced Niall to leave the comforts of his house astonished him, something he never thought Niall would do so easily, especially after a once forgotten memory shook up Niall’s mind. To say the least, Harry was quite proud of himself, but he couldn’t let it bleed through. It would uncover his plan.

                The colored hues of winter greeted Niall as he left the building. It looked as if someone pulled a white sweater over his surroundings, but it certainly didn’t give it a warm spirit. The trees and buildings were dressed in sheets of accumulated snow, and the sky shielded the sun with its muted grey cluttering clouds. The wind didn’t cease to keep nipping and gnawing at his cheeks either, stinging his skin. It was cold outside, and he couldn’t believe he let Harry drag himself out into the mid-December weather.

                Grumbling a few curses to himself, Niall observed that quick Harry’s stride had slowed somewhat and took the chance to catch up to him, his rucksack flying behind him.

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